Chapter 20

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I woke up the next morning with sore eyes from the constant crying of the day before, still wrapped up in the ultimate safety of Ashton's flannel. I knew I was being completely pathetic, and that I needed to get my act together and try to be strong, but it was unbelievably hard.

Ashton, over the short amount of time that we had been together, had quickly become my everything, and it's extremely hard to cope when your everything has been harshly ripped away from you.

"Isabol?" Lydia asked, as she sat next to me on the couch of the back lounge of the tour bus.

Late in the night, I had woken up from a horrible nightmare that Ashton was murdered in front of my own eyes, so I walked through to here, and fell asleep on the couch. None of the boys were awake just yet, so it was still just Lydia and I.

I had been absent mindedly staring into space, and by the fierce look of concern on her face, I could tell she was questioning my sanity.

"Yeah?" I replied questioningly, my voice hoarse due to the tearful last 24 hours.

I attempted to give her my full attention, but my mind wouldn't unfocus from the hazel-eyed boy that was constantly running through it.

"I think we should go and do something today," She started hesitantly, before pulling a mysterious envelope from behind her back.

"And this arrived for you. I recognized it as Ashton's hand writing, so I snuck it before the dickheads that are our management took it," She finished, handing me the mail before leaving the room again.

God, I loved that girl.

I looked down to the paper in my hands, smiling as I confirmed in my head that it was in fact my Ashton's hand writing, the neat, yet masculine scrawl that could only come from his large hands.

I hastily opened the letter, being careful not to rip it's precious content.

My eyes trailed down the paper as I read his words, savouring them in my head.

Dear Isabol,

I'm writing this while waiting in the airport to go back to England, I'm that desperate to talk to you, and get this off my chest.

It's only been two and a half hours, but I need you Iz. All of you.

I need to feel your warm body against mine as we cuddle in the early hours of the morning.

I need to feel your arms wrapped around my neck as your fingers play with the curls at the top of my neck.

I need to run my fingers through your light brown waves again, that always smelled of your apple shampoo.

I need to feel your soft lips on mine, as they move in perfect synchronization, and electricity runs through my veins.

I need to be able to look deep into those gorgeous green eyes of yours, to get lost in them for hours and hours on end, and just forget the world.

I need to feel you in my arms as I hold you as close as I can, scared that you'll disappear I'd loosened even slightly.

I need to hear your wonderful voice, hear you sing when you think no one's listening, hear your laugh that I could listen to for the rest of my life and not get bored.

I need you to know that I'm going to sort this. We'll be together, and there's nothing they can do to stop us.

But most of all, I need you.

It's barely been two hours, and I'm already going insane.

And I've thought about it, and it's too dangerous to write these letters to each other. So, from now on, we'll have to email.

Cheesy, and very early 2000s, I know. But it's our only option my love.

I have to go now, flight is here,

I don't want to, but I have to,

I love you, Isabol. So, so freaking much,

Ash x

I wiped the tears from my eyes before they could fall, and folded the letter back up, placing it back in the envelope, before walking back through to my bunk and hiding it under the pillow.

I then grabbed some random clothes, going into the tiny bathroom of the tour bus and taking a shower. Once I had finished bathing, I slipped on the high-waisted skinny jeans, tucking in the All Time Low t-shirt and letting my hair dry into its natural waves as I did my usual makeup.


Lydia and I were currently sat in an ice cream shop, devouring our ice creams as we chatted about random things, Lydia's unfortunately failed attempt to keep my mind off Ash.

I listened to her ranting on about the latest Call Of Duty game as I ate my chocolate brownie ice cream with marshmallows and caramel sauce on top.

"And then, when I completed a really hard mission, the fucking thing crashed!" She cussed, earning her disapproving looks from over-bearing adults, but it never phased her.

"Lydia! Isabol!" We heard our names being called as our heads whipped around and noticed the small group of teenage girls behind us.

We smiled, signing the items they handed us and smiling for the selfies they wanted to take with us.

"Isabol! Is it true you and Ashton are over?" A fan asked enthusiastically, and my face dropped, along with my stomach and heart.

"Yeah, they are, and it's still a sensitive topic," Lydia answered for me, because I was speechless at the question.

"We need to leave now, but we'll see you soon!" She hurriedly excused us, guiding me by the wrist out of the ice cream parlour and to the taxi that was already waiting for us in the street.

"I'm so sorry, Iz!" She started, a look of regret and worry plastered on her face.

"I-it's ok. C-can we just go b-back?" I asked, struggling to hold in the tears.

She nodded her head vigorously, telling the driver the directions back to tonight's venue as I laid my heavy head in my hands, letting the tears fall freely.


Short wee update, cause I'm a kind person!





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