Chapter 9

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A big thank you goes to jiggelypuff_Irwin, my favourite Ash girl, who basically wrote this chapter for me! You should all go ahead and check out her Imagine book, it's literally perfection! Anyway, enjoy the new chapter, dedicated to jiggelypuff_Irwin!


I woke up the next morning and replied to Ashton's text asking if I wanted to hang out with him before me, Lydia, Troye and Tyler left for tour the next day.

To: Ashton xxx

Sure! Can you pick me up at about half 9 please?! xxx

From: Ashton xxx

Yeah! Can't wait to see you! xxx

That gave me an hour and a half to get ready since it was only 8.

After a shower letting my hair dry naturally and applying a little bit of mascara with my plain skinny jeans, white t-shirt and purple vans with a matching purple flannel shirt on top but with the buttons undone. I was ready with a few minutes to spare so I went to get a quick drink.

"Where are you going all facey, so early missy?" I heard Tyler ask in a fatherly voice walking in to the kitchen.

"Morning to you too T!" I laughed "And I'm just away to spend so time with Ash before we leave." I said grabbing a glass and filling it with some freash orange juice.

"Careful and use protection. We dont need any babies just yet!" He tutted jokingly just as there was a knock at the door.

"Can you get the for me T? Thanks, hun!" You asked washing the glass.

It was going to be differant having someone to come home to and someone from home to miss while I'm on tour but it will make it more exiting when comeing home, I thought as Tyler started lecturing Ashton.

"Have her home by five for dinner, use protection and if you hurt Iz, I will have you head on a stick." He warned a slightly worried looking Ashton. Tyler had always look after me and Lydia like he was our big brother. It was nice but somethimes he went over the top slightly. But that is just the amazing Tyler Okley for you though.

"ISABOL!" Ashton exlaimed as he saw me walk up with my bag, phone and keys in hand. "You ready to go?" He asled nervously.

"Yeah! Lets go?" I asked, taking his hand in mine. Just the simplest touch from him sent shivers up my spine like no one else ever had. "Hopefully Tyler didnt scare you to much!" I laughed winking at them both earning a light laugh. 

"HAVE FUN!" Tyler called as we got into Ash's car.

"A very protective friend you have there." Ashton laughed shifting the car into reverse out of the drive way.

"He is a wee bitty like a big brother to us." I laughed. "Is your place far from here?" I asked curiously.

"No, about ten minutes maybe a bit less!" He smiled, and I sent him a small smile back. He then put his full attention to the road in front of him.

Pulling up to the 5 Seconds Of Summer house for the first time, I could already hear Luke shouting something to the effect of, "Get some clothes on!" Oh, how sorry I feel for the neighbours.

I guess you can already tell this is a loud house!" Ashton chuckled and ran around the front of the car to open my door for me.

"Why, thank you kind sir!" I tried to say in a posh accent, but probably just sounded silly.

"After you, my lady!" Ashton replied in an equally bad posh accent and opened the front door of the house for me.

The walls were a simple white colour, with a few, what looked like, pizza marks at hand height. The door opened straight into a large living room, with three sofas lining the edges of the walls and a TV on the sofa-less wall.

"AHHH!" I screamed covering my eyes. A naked Calum Hood was the last thing I expected to see running through the room. "GET SOME DAMN CLOTHES!" I shouted, hands still on eyes and a laughing Ashton behinde me.

"CALUM! COME HERE AND PUT THESE ON!" Luke shouted waving a pair of Spiderman boxers around. "Oh!" He gasped when he saw me stood there.

"I guess you remember that's Calum the naked one and Luke. From when I brought them round to yours the other day." Ashton laughed and told me it was safe to look,  that Calum had covered his man hood.

"That was interesting then." I smiled at them all and turned to Ash. "I was more expecting to see your dick at some point not Calum's." I laughed making him go red aswell, as Calum and Luke just came and gave me a high five. He is so much taller than I expected! They all are!

"Where's Mikey?" Ashton asked attempting to change the subject.

"Still in bed with last night's empty pizza boxes." Calum said plopping himself down on the biggest sofa.

"Typical." Luke said sitting down next to him.

"Movie?" Ashton asked sitting down on the sofa opposite the tv and pulled me down next to him and wrapped his long arms around my waist.

"Sure." I smiled


I completely lost track of time, and before I knew it, I was having to say goodbye to the boys and get back into Ashton's car for him to take me home.

Once we reached my house, I don't think either of us wanted to get out the car, but I knew I had to. So as I reluctantly opened my door, Ashton copied my actions and followed me up to the front door.

"I don't want you to go, but I want you to do your thing! I'm so conflicted!" Ashton mumbled into my neck where his head rested as he grabbed both of my hands, intertwining our fingers.

"And I don't want to leave you, but I need to do this!" I replied quietly, and he lifted his head up from my shoulder, looking me dead in the eye.

"It's just a couple of weeks, yeah?" He asked unsurely, and I nodded.

"Just a couple of weeks," I confirmed, smiling up at him as our lips collided in yet another heated kiss. Shocks of electricity zinged through my fibres as our lips moved in perfect synchronization.

But all too soon, I would have to let him go.

"I'll see you when you get back, Isobel!" Ashton mumbled against my lips, before returning to his car. I waved to him as he drove off, and once I knew he was completely out of sight, I stepped into the house, leaning on the closed door behind me.

And that was the moment I knew I was in love with Ashton Irwin.

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