Chapter 12

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What I saw absolutely horrified me.

There on the screen, was Ashton, kissing another girl in broad daylight.

She was the complete opposite to me. Tall, thin, blonde, scandalously dressed. It sickened me. I thought he liked me. I thought he wanted me. I thought I was enough. Turns out I was wrong.

He wanted her. This Barbie doll. I obviously was nothing to him, just a little bit on the side who was easily disposable to make room for her. As this new realisation hit, I let the tears I didn't realise I had been constricting to roll down my cheeks.

Troye immediately turned the TV off completely, and pulled me into a massive hug, letting his favourite jumper soak up my tears.

"I'm messing up your favourite jumper," I mumbled into his shoulder through sobs, and I felt him chuckle.

"They'll dry, don't worry!" He said softly, and I nodded slightly, staying where I was. I soon unravelled myself from the hug, as the salty tears started to dry up, and I heard Tyler and Lydia at the front of the bus.

"Oh, honey!" Tyler squealed and rushed over to me, pulling me into a hug.

"We saw what happened on a tv in the cafe, hun, I'm so sorry!" Lydia frowned as she handed me an ice lemonade, one of my favourites. I took slow sips of it, not saying anything because I knew my voice would betray me.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket, and I looked to see it was an incoming call from non other than the cheater. I handed the device to Lydia's outstretched hand, noticing the deep look of anger settling on her face.

"Irwin." She stated coldly into the receiver as she answered, rolling her eyes.

"No, you listen to me, dick wad! You have reduced my best friend, who is more like my sister, to tears, and she never cries! You betrayed her trust, which is not an easy thing to gain, and you absolutely broke her! You're disgusting. I've seen her get hurt enough times by low life ass holes like you!" Lydia practically screamed down the phone, a complete change to her usually quiet, shy self.

There was a long pause, probably for him to reply to her sass-filled attack. Tyler and Troye each sat either side of me and the three of us watched as Lydia's short body paced the cramped space in front of us, complete with random eye rolls and scoffing.

"You're delusional if you think any of us is going to believe that, Irwin!" She hissed coldly as she hung up on him and handed the phone back to me, and I slid it back into my pocket.

"What did h-he say?" I eventually spoke up, my voice cracking like I knew it would.

"That he wants to talk to you, to explain himself. That it was a publicity stunt that he had no option but to carry it out. That he's sorry."

"Do you want to talk to him?" Troye asked me, squeezing my shoulder in much needed reassurance.

"I....I think I need to face to face, if you know what I mean?" I asked, unsure if it was the right thing to talk to him or not. He did cheat on me after all, I saw it with my own eyes.

"What about Skype, it's better than nothing," Tyler suggested, and Lydia started nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, I should probably do that," I concluded, and gave them a small smile to reassure them I was fine, even though I knew I wasn't.

It was probably stupid that I had reacted in such a dramatic way, but in the short time I had known him and been with him, I had fallen hard and fast for Ashton Fletcher Irwin.

"As much as I hate him for hurting you like this, I know you need to talk to him yourself. Closure," Lydia said, going to her bunk and retrieving her laptop, logging it on for me.

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