Chapter 26

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It was later that night, and the boys had decided to leave Ashton and I alone, so we could have some time together.

We still hadn't exactly specified where we were yet, whether we were together again, or whether we were just friends. But in all honesty, I don't think I could ever just be friends with Ashton anymore. I was in way too deep for that.

As I sat beside him, I decided to bring it up, determined to have an answer.

"Ashton, can we go back to how it was?" I asked, causing him to look at me with a confused, yet adorable expression. He was so cute, it almost hurt.

"What do you mean, love?" He asked.

"Like us? Can we be a thing again?" I asked with uncertainty this time, all my previous confidence gone as I looked at his reaction.

"Will you be my girlfriend? For keeps this time?" He asked with an unsure smile, and I nodded, unable to find the words as I stood up and stooped down to place a kiss to his awaiting lips.

But he obviously had other plans, his lips moving furiously against mine to deepen the growingly heated kiss. Without even thinking about it, I climbed onto the bed, trying to be careful and gentle as I straddled Ashton's lap.

I weaved my fingers into his hair, swivelling and grinding my hips against his to try and relieve some unbearably growing tension. However, I broke from the kiss when I felt a movement underneath me, my eyes locking with Ashton's hazel ones that had lit up instantly.

"Did you just....did you just move?" I asked, my chest still heaving from the lack of air due to the making out.

"Yeah, I can feel my hands," Ashton cried in sheer happiness as he flexed his hand, before using what seemed like a lot of energy to reach up and brush my cheek with his long fingers, a feeling I had been craving for over two weeks.

"Should I get a nurse or something?" I asked, my cheeks starting to hurt due to the massive grin on my face.

"Nah, c'mere," He giggled, before pulling me down and connecting our lips again.


"So, he just miraculously started to move?" A nurse asked with an unsure tone as she jotted down notes with the clipboard in her hand.

It was obvious she didn't believe our story that Ashton just started to get some feeling back while we were sitting there. I was starting to wonder whether she knew what we were up to, but she couldn't of.

"Yeah, I started to feel my hands, and then I started to move again," Ashton said with a charming smile, his hand squeezing mine gently.

"Right, well, we just need to do some physio tests. You're going to have to leave the room," The blonde nurse with legs that went on for days turned to me, raising her eyebrow in a challenging manner.

I felt somewhat threatened by her supermodel looks, even though Ashton had already told me earlier on that I was the only one he wanted. But that didn't stop me from feeling conscious. I mean, if someone as amazing as Ashton had the choice between a tall, blonde haired blue eyed girl and me, the short, brown haired curvy girl, we all know who he would pick over the other.

"Oh, ok," I mumbled quietly, standing up to leave, but I was stopped when Ashton's hand clasped around my wrist firmly yet gently, turning me to face him again.

"You're going to leave me without a kiss?" He challenged with a smirk, and I leaned down, placing a soft, yet spark-filled kiss to his lips.

"I love you, don't forget that," He whispered against my lips, and I smiled, standing up straight again, and reluctantly leaving the room.

Outside, I saw Michael and Calum making their way through the hallway, stopping in front of me with massive grins on their faces.

"So he's moving again?" Michael asked with hopeful smile and a glint in his eye, looking for the obvious conformation.

"Yeah," I sighed, nodding happily, the breath nearly knocked straight out of me when both boys enveloped me in a massive group hug.

"Where's Luke?" I asked, although my question was soon answered when a third pair of arms joined the hug.

"Can't. Breath. Need. Oxygen!" I over exaggerated my lack of air in an attempt to get the boys off of me, which soon worked, just as Ashton's nurse strode out of his room.

"You can go back in now," She said dully, rolling her eyes at us as she walked away.

"You guys are going to have to hold me back before I slap her," I seethed, watching as she strutted off.

"C'mon," Luke held the door open for me as Michael and Calum walked into the room ahead of us.

Ashton was sat with a massive grin on his face, watching us with a sparkle in his eyes. I had missed that sparkle, and now that it was back, I was going to treasure it like a precious gem.

"Why so happy, Ashley?" Calum asked with a smirk, causing Ash to flip him the middle finger. They had gone back to before, no longer angry and fighting with each other, which just made everyone else happy as well.

"If you must know, they're discharging me tonight!" He smiled even wider, and I grinned, placing a kiss to his cheek and squeezing his hand.

"That's great!" Michael shouted enthusiastically, waving his arms around in the air. He could do with using his indoor voice sometimes.

"Yeah, I just need to sign these papers, and then I'll be free again!" Ashton held up a clipboard, and I watched as he began to sign the hefty amount of forms. Just then, I felt phone begin to ring in my pocket, and I pulled it out, seeing Lydia's caller ID on the screen.

"I'm just going to answer this, I'll be back in a second," I excused myself and went out into the hall to answer the call.

"Hi Lydia," I spoke into the receiver, guilt starting to take over me as I realised that I had not really spoken to her since I left the tour.

"Hey, how's Ash?" She asked, fatigue clear in her voice.

"Great, actually. He's being discharged tonight," I explained and I heard her hum into agreement through the phone.

"I hate to tell you this, but management are considering dropping you if you aren't back here in the next week," She sighed heavily, empathy clear in her tone.

"Oh," Was all I was able to say, as I pressed my back against the hospital wall.

"I'm sorry, I need to go, honey," She said gravely, and I nodded, forgetting that she couldn't see me.

"Yeah, ok. I'll see you soon," I whispered, waiting for her to say goodbye too, before hanging up and slipping my phone back into my pocket.

I wanted desperately to stay here with Ashton, and take care of him. He was my everything, and I couldn't bare to leave him again. But my career was riding on the leniency of our management team, and I was already spreading their trust in me very thin.

I walked back into the room after catching a few minutes of peace, plastering a smile on my face so that Ashton would think I was ok, and wouldn't question me.

"Right, ready to go!?"

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