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"Ava. Ava honey" I heard my mom whisper and shake me awake. "Uuggg" I groaned and opened my eyes and looked up at her. "Its your birthday sweetheart. Get up and get dressed people are gonna be coming over in 2 hours." She patted my back then got up.

I smiled because I was turning 8 today! I got up and got dressed and walked down stairs. "Hey mom" I smiled at sat at the table. "Hey sweety. I made your favorite!" She set a plate down in front of me with bacon, eggs, and pancakes on it. I gladly ate it and the hours past and people started showing up.

The presents were set on a table and a bounce house was set up and the parents sat down. I on the other hand sat at a table in the shade with the book my mother had bought me for my birthday. I had been wanting it for a while and she finally got it for me I was on page 87 by the time the party started to kick up.

Every so often I would look up and see people enjoying them selves. People walked over, told me happy birthday, and then they would walk away. I was reading when some guy with a piece of cake came and sat next to me. I glanced over at him and he smiled. He had green eyes and kind of spiky hair.

"Hey" he said. "Hi" I replied back and went back to reading my book. "So it's your birthday" he asked me and I nodded. He tilted my book up to see what I was reading. "Pretty cool party" he told me and I nodded. "Yea I guess" I shrugged. "Alright. Well I'll just leave yea to your book then" he said after a while of silence. I nodded gratefully and he stood up and walked away. I read for a while longer before my mom came and told me to talk to people.

I walked around a bit and people started to leave after eating. When everyone had left I helped clean up and brought all my gifts up stairs. "I'm half way through the book you gave me" I smiled and she nodded. "Do you mind if I go to the park?" I asked she and she shook her head. "Just be carful" she called as I walked out the door.

I walked the 4 blocks to the park and sat on my favorite bench, which was away from all other people. "Hey nerd. Whatcha readin?" I heard my bully ask me. He was 3 years older than I was and always picked on me. "Hi" I kept reading my book. "Hey loser" he yelled and took my book. "Hey scram!" I heard a familiar voice. Ryan glared at me and ran off with my book. I looked up to see that guy who sat with me at my party. "Hey Ava" he smiled and picked up my book.

"Hey, you were at my party" I smiled "Yea I'm Dean" he sat beside me. "Who was that kid?" Dean asked me and I looked over at Ryan with his group of friends. "Ryan. He stole my book" I sighed and Dean looked over at him. "Do you want me to get it back for you?" He asked innocently and I shook my head. "Only bitches send a grown up" I shook my head again and he nodded.

"Well just go over and ask for it back" he told me and I looked up at him and laughed. "Just stand up for your self kiddo, and kick him in the balls if hes doesnt give it back. I promise it'll work" Dean nodded and I stood up. I walked over to the group of boys and poked on Ryan's shoulder. "

This has got to be the stupidest book ever" he laughed and threw it in the mud. I picked it up and he tried to grab it. "Please give it back" I asked him as we both held it. "If you want it, take it" he laughed and so did his friends. I lifted my leg and kicked him right in between the legs. He let go and fell to the ground. I wiped the muddy book on him and walked away.

I could see Dean smile as I walked up to him. "That was awsome!" He high fived me and I smiled. "Ava Mary Braden. What has gotten in to you?!" I heard my mother scold and I looked up at her. "Mary?" Dean asked and looked at my mom.

"He stole my book" I told her and she threw her hands up. "So you hit him. You" she pointed at Dean and then pulled him over to the side. This was called parent talk, and I couldnt hear what they were saying.

Mom looked angry and she said stuff and grabbed my hand. As we walked away I pulled away from her and ran back over to Dean and rapped my arms around him. "Thanks" I smiled and then walked back over to my mom. We walked back home and she didnt say anything. She sent me straight up to bed and made me go to bed.

I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew I was sitting on something cold and metal. I heard a bang and I lifted my hand up. I saw Dean walk up and he looked worried. "Ava. Ava I'm gonna get you out of here. Dont worry" Dean said in a panic. Dean hit the lock open with something and picked me up. I rapped my arms around his neck and smiled. He put me down and we started to help all the other kids out.

"Its ok. Your gonna be ok" I helped a kid out and we all stood by Dean. "Dean theres another one. A mother changeling" the tall guy shouted over all the noise. We all climbed out a window, and I looked back one last time. Dean and the other tall guy were fighting some lady. I climbed out the window and saw a bright flame.

Dean and the other guy came running out a second after. We all piled in a car and we dropped all the kids off. Nothing was said and it was day time by the time we got to my house. "Ava!" I heard my mon yell and I ran over to her. She hugged me so tight and picked me up. "Are you ok Ava.? My mom asked and started crying. "I'm fine mom" I told her and she put me down and turned to Dean.

"What the hell just happened?" She asked him and Dean looked at me. "You probably dont wanna know. All that matters is that Ava'a safe" Dean smiled and my mom hugged him. The three of us went in side and mom made me go up stairs.

I sat at the top step and tried to listen. When Dean and my mom stood at the bottom of the stairs I could finally hear them. "I'm glad to be her father" Dean smiled and my mom kissed him.

I have a dad.

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