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"Hey" he said and I looked at him. "What?" I asked and walked over to him. "What's your name?" He asked me and I took a sip of my drink. "Ava. You?" I asked. "Aidan" he nodded and looked down.

"Why would you want to do this?" I asked him. "Cleaning my room sucks but it has to be done" he shrugged. "Not that. I mean hunting" I told him. "You do it" he told me. "I'm also 20 and not a child" I rolled my eyes.

"20?" He asked and I nodded. "My father also put me in this life, and it sucks" I told him. "Well lucky you. None of us have a family" I heard Crissy tell me and I turned around and saw her in her door way.

"That's not what I meant" I told her. "Just go" she spat and I looked back at Adian and then walked down the stairs. "Ava come on. Were leaving" I heard Dean call and I stepped off the last stairs and he grabbed my cup and we walked to the door and Victor was behind us.

"Ava your always welcome here" Victor smiled at me. "That's never going to happen" Dean told him and we all walked out. "This is crazy" Sam said. "Yea it is" Dean agreed. "But maybe it could work. Normal life and hunting" Sam said and Dean shook his head.

"Kids shouldnt be hunting." Dean spoke and I didnt say anything. "Unless it's a kick ass one such as my own who almost isnt a kid anyway" Dean said. "Maybe Victor has the right idea though" Sam told him.

"It wont work" Dean shook his head. "Why? Cause it didnt work for us?" Sam asked and Dean turned around and looked at him. "Because it cant work for anyone" Dean told him. "Why dont we just kill all the vamps our selves then?" I shrugged and Dean pointed at me and looked at Sam.

"That's my kid. Kick ass" He said and nodded. Sam smiled at me and I shrugged. "So what are we gonna do then?" Sam asked. "I'm gonna go talk to that vic who was tied up in that hotel room, and you and Ava are gonna stay here and watch the Brady bunch" Dean said.

"Dean wait" I said and he looked at me. "This guy is literally trying to kidnap me please let me come with you" I said and he nodded at Sam and he nodded at me. "Alright. We'll be back" Dean told him and I got in the front and Dean started the engine and we drove off.

Dean and I got suited up and went to go talk to this girl who had been tied up the night we got here. "So did you know the guy who grabbed you?" I asked her and she nodded. "Everyone knows Jimmy" she nodded.

"So he just grabbed you and brought you to that hotel?" Dean asked her and shook her head. "Not exactly. Some guy in a blue van with a hoodie on asked me for directions and I dont remember anything after that." She shrugged.

"Was hoodie in the room with you?" I asked. "No. But Jimmy was saying how sorry he was" She shook her head. "Alright. Thank you for your time" Dean nodded and we both walked out side. "I saw a blue van" he told me. "I knew there was somthing going on here" Dean shook his head and we got in the car.

"Are you sure. It was pretty dark" I told him and he shook his head. "100 percent it was a blue van. Maybe that vamp wasnt lying." He said. "I'm going to talk to the clerk you stay here" he told me and I nodded. He left and I got changed back in to some regular clothes.

Dean got back in the car and we started to drive. "Did you figure it out?" I asked him and he nodded. "The lodge up the road. I think some vamps are down there. Its closed this time if year" he told me and we drive in to the woods and parked.

We both got our machetes and flashlights and walked over to the door. I stood to the side and opened it quickly as Dean went in. I followed after him, and we looked around. I heard some heavy breathing and the light of my flash light hit some lady on the bed.

"Who the hell are you!" Dean demanded and he looked around. "Plaese make it go away" she held her head and Dean switched on the lights. "No please. Shut them off there too bright" she cried and Dean walked up to her and sharp fangs came out.

"Not until you tell me what's going on" Dean dragged her from her bed and pushed her to the wall. "I -i dont know. The man in the hoodie" she covered her eyes. "Dean" I said and put a hand on his shoulder.

"The guy in the blue van brought me here and did something to me"  she told us and Dean looked back at me. "Oh! My stomach" she bent over and Dean tried to help her. "Dean" I heard Crissys voice and I turned around and saw those 3 pipsqueak fucks pointing there guns at us.

"Put those down and we can talk" Dean told them and I had my hand on my gun but didnt taken it out just yet. "Why are you with the vampire that killed my dad?" Crissy asked hurt. "Shes not the one who killed your pops" Dean told her and stepped over to the three of them.

He put away his blade and I followed. "Dean I dont wanna hurt you but I will if you don't move" Crissy threatened. "Listen Crissy. She's innocent" Dean told her.

"And how would you know that?" The other girl asked and I rolled my eyes. "Look at her. Shes fresh made. A day for two. Your dad was killed months ago" I told Crissy and we stood there in silence for a moment.

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