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I continued to read my book and eat the food in the house. A few more days past and the boys came back to the cabin to pick me up. After some yelling we were all in the car driving.

We stopped and Dean and I got out. We stood in line for some food and I looked around. "Who's Benny?" I asked him and he looked shocked. "Who told you that name?" He asked. "Who is he?" I asked. "Just a friend" he shrugged and looked up. He was lying.

"What ever. I've gotta piss" I told him and walked to the bathrooms. I sighed as I walked and I got in the bathroom. I went pee and stood in the mirror for a minute. Why would he lie to me. I splashed some water on my face and walked back out to the car where both of them were. I got in the car and things seemed tense.

"Where are we goin?" I asked and took my food from Dean. "Louisiana. Vamps" Dean told me and I nodded. We got there and to an apartment building. "Where are we?" I asked. "Were visiting an old friend. Martin" Sam told me as we walked up the steps.

Sam went to knock on the door but some guy opened it before he even touched it. Dean and Sam walked in and then I walked in and he looked at me.

I noticed he was a bit antsy and jumpy. He didnt like new people, meaning me. He was older than Sam and Dean. His eyes shifted along with his weight. Physical appearance hair line was back, shorter than Dean taller then me. Grey eyes and some scruff.

"Who's this?" He asked and looked at the boys then me. "Ava Winchester" Dean told him and his mouth hung open. "Dean. You didnt tell me you had a rugrat" he said. "Why do you assume shes Deans?" Sam asked and they all looked at me.

"I'm crazy not blind. Look at the way she holds her self, ready to take down anything. She started reading me from the moment she saw me. She also looks like Dean more than you. Even looks like John a little" he smiled and stuck out his hand.

I shook it and smiled. "Martin" he told me and I nodded. "Anyway" he shook his head and turned to the boys. "I only got here last week and up until now hes been clean" Martin said.

"What's he been doing?" Dean asked. "Minding his own business and working at the gumbo shack" Martin shrugged. "Benny's working?" Dean asked. "Benny's a vampire?" I asked and Dean held his hand up to me. I looked at Sam and he nodded.

"Oh he might be Benny to you but folks round here call him Roy" Martin said and he was a bit jittery. "Martin are you sure your running on full battery?" Dean asked and seemed worried. "Uumm yea" Martin blinked a couple times. "A little shock therapy in the morning and I'm good to go" he snapped and nodded.

Dean looked at Sam and I could tell he was mad. "Tell us what happened last night" Sam told him. "Well I followed him home like I do every night. He turned down a path and then I heard a scream and boom!" Martin looked at the ground. "There was a body there with teeth marks" he pointed to his own neck.

"Did you actually see Benny kill the guy?" I asked and they all looked at me. "I saw enough" Martin nodded. "Well how can you be certain if you didnt see him do it?" I asked him and Dean snapped and pointed at me. "That's right. How?" Dean asked. "I saw Benny turn up the path" Martin said in a rush.

"Who's side are you on?" Sam asked me. "My own. I dont want people to die who dont deserve it" I told him and Dean had a sad smile on his face. "There are some holes in your story" Dean shook his head. "Holes? The only holes we should be looking at are in the vics neck" Martin said and got heated.

"Let's not fight" Sam told them. "That doesnt sound like the Benny I know, and I have history with the guy so I'm no gonna sign up for some witch hunt" Dean told him and Martin looked shocked. "Are you crazy? What possible reason could a Winchester be friends with a vampire?" Martin asked. "All I need or time Sam" Dean turned to his brother.

"Am I hearing this right?" Martin asked and looked at all of us. "Look. We all need to stow the blood lust and work this case the right way or we can work it separately" Dean said calmly.

"All I need is a couple hours Sammy" Dean looked over to Sam. "What if It is Benny?" Martin asked. "If it is him I'll take care of it" Dean raised his voice. Sam nodded and Dean stood up. "I'll be in touch. Come on Ava" he said and started to walk out. I walked after him and back down to the car.

We got in the car and we started to drive. "Why did you do that?" He asked me. "What?" I asked. "Defend Benny like that. You don't even know the guy" he asked and I thought about it and shrugged. "Seemed like the right thing todo" I shrugged.

"You seem close, and I know you don't have many friends. I thought it was important to you" i told him and he nodded. "I also am trying to be more helpful. I've been an asshole ever since you got back. I dont think I even told you I was glad to see you" I smiled at him.

"I'm glad to see you too" he laughed lightly. We kept driving in the quiet of the car with only the raido playing softly. We pulled up to the Gumbo Shack and both got out. We walked in and sat on the stools. There were some people here but not too many.

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