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We walked out of the hospital and looked around. "Why would he run from us?" Dean asked. "Why for the past 6 months. Did you test him?" Sam asked and they both looked at me. "He was unconscious, no" I sighed. "Did he steal a car?" Dean asked and looked around.

"Naked?" I asked and pointed to a gown on the ground. I looked around and saw a security camera. "You guys go check those. I'll go talk to farmer Brown" I told them and pointed to the camera. "Why are you going alone?" Dean asked. "Cause my ride only fits one" I said and walked over to my motorcycle and started it.

Sam and Dean stood there in awe as I drove off down the road. I drove to the farm and the farmer told me this wasnt the first time. Couple chickens a week ago and a goat the week before that. "Were they all killed the same?" I asked him and he hummed.

"Organs ripped clean out like some devil worship stuff." He shook his head and I smiled and nodded. "Thanks" I nodded and walked away. I called Dean as I got back to the hospital and was about to walk in. "Hello?" He answered. "The cow wasn't just killed it was stripped of all organs and left" I told him. "Did you find anything?" I asked him.

"Nope. Cameras were pointed the wrong way" he sighed and I nodded to myself because I knew he was laying. "Damn. Bad luck" I sighed and he hummed. "Yea. Why dont you-" I hung up on his ass and walked in side and got pictures of the make, model and license plate of the car Garth stole.

I also got an apartment number of some girl and I drove over there. My phone rang once or twice with the boys trying to call me but I didnt bother to pick up. I took my gun out and busted the door down. "Woah woah!" I heard Garth yell and he put his hands up as I pointed my gun at him.

"Everythings cool. I can explain" he told me calmly and I raised an eye brow at him. "Wheres the girl?" I asked him and he looked confused. "Wha-what girl?" He asked and I walked to the table amd held up a bra. "I dont know what's goin on" he shrugged and I started to look around the rooms.

"Why dont we just calm down and put our gun away?" Garth told me and I looked back at him when I couldnt find anything. "Yea see" Garth smiled and I heard a door open and my gun was smacked from my hand. A werewolf lady came at me and scratched my arm pretty deep.

I grabbed for my silver knife and tried to swing at her but Garth stood in my way. "Ava please dont!" Garth pleaded and the werewolf stood behind him. "Shes a werewolf!" I yelled and held my arm. "So am I" Garth said and my heart sank. All of us stood there and then we calmed down after a few minutes.

They sat down because apparently I had cut her with my knife. I grabbed a rag and held it against my arm as they sat on the couch. "You know Sam and Dean will be here any second now, so I suggest you tell me what's going on so I'm on your side when they get here" I told Garth. "Do you have a drink in here?" I asked and looked around the small kitchen.

"Top shelf right side" the woman called and I grabbed it and walked back over. "We all got off on the wrong foot. "This is Bess. My beloved" Garth smiled at her and I looked around for some needle and threat. I grabbed a chair and put my foot on it and started to stitch my self up as he talked.

"Bess this is Ava. I know she has a rough exterior but once you get to meet her you'll love her" Garth promised. "Cute. Werewolf?" I asked and Garth sighed as I winced. "Sorry about that" Bess whispered and I nodded and smiled at her sideways.

"Where are Sam and Dean?" Garth asked me as I took a drink of the whiskey and poured some on my arm. "Long story. Your a werewolf?" I asked him again. "About 6 months ago I was hunting the big bad wolf down in Maine. I took him down but he bit me in the process" Garth sighed.

"And you didnt call me? Or the guys?" I asked. "And tell you what? That I messed up. I was ready to eat the bullet, but then Bess found me" Garth said and she laid her hand over his. "How?" I asked and winced at I pulled on the string to cut it. "I smelled him of course" She laughed and smiled at Garth.

"Weve been married for 4 months now" Garths smile got even wider. "Married? To a werewolf?" I asked in disbelief. "Yes, and my pack has taken him in as one of our own" Bess told me. "So you just munch on cows and chickens and goats?" I asked and he nodded.

"Do you know how hard it is for a bitten to keep control like he has. Hes doing so well" Bess said and they smiled at each other. "Thank you baby" Garth smiled. "Well it's the truth hunny bunny" Bess told him. "Wait bitten? Your a bitten" I said and she shook her head. "Your either born like me or bitten like Garth" Bess told me.

"You were born a were wolf?" I asked her and she nodded. "Second generation" she spoke again. "Garth can I talk to you alone?" I asked him. Bess got up and went in to the other room and Garth stood up. "Garth what the hell?" I asked him. "I checked the pack out. Its totally clean" he told me and I checked my phone.

"Except for the part where your wife attacked me" I said and gestured to my arm. "Only cause you came in here like a house on fire" he told me and I sighed and rubbed my face. "You better get her outta here before the boys come" I told him and he smiled and I heard the door bust open.

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