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I woke up the next morning and walked out and in to the main part of the bunker. I wasnt feeling to good. I had a headache and I felt like I might throw up. "Hey" I heard Dean say and I looked up and saw him walk over to me. "Late rise today?" He asked and I leaned against the wall and nodded a bit.

"Are you ok?" He asked worried now. I nodded and coughed a little. "Doesnt look like it" he said and I stood up and he felt my head. "Jesus. Your burning up" he told me and I sighed. "Did you find Crowley?" I asked and Dean started to lead me back to my room. "We did. Sam is talking to him" Dean nodded.

"I should help" I told him and he shook his head. "No we got it. You need rest" he told me and I sighed as we got back to my room. "Just lay down and get some rest. I'll bring you some soup and check in on you in 5" he told me and I laid down and he covered me up.

"Thanks" I coughed and he smiled and let his hand linger on my cheek before walking away. I closed my eyes and tried to get my breathing under control so I didnt barf. I fell back asleep and when I woke up I ran into the bathroom and threw up.

I shuttered and stood up straight. I did feel better after that, and I walked back out and I saw soup beside my bed and a note.


Sam Crowley and I have gone out to find the first blade. Get better soon.


I set the note down and I ate the soup. It was a little spicy for my liking but I ate it anyway then went back to bed.


I woke up and I stood up. I was still the tiniest bit dizzy but my headache had gone. I walked to the kitchen, and made some coffee. I poured my self a cup and I felt a tap on my shoulder. I jumped and turned around and saw Crowley.

He put his hand on my shoulder and we now stood in the middle of a forest. "Crowley what the fu-" "language" Sam cut me off and I looked at him sitting in the impala. "She is way better than you'll ever be" Sam told Crowley and he frowned.

"What is going on? Why am I here?" I asked. "We were trying to find the first blade. Some guy named Magnis bought it. He lives in an invisible house and hes got Dean" Sam told me and I nodded and took a sip of my coffee. "Wonderful and how are we planning on getting in to a house that we cant see?" I asked.

"I'm working on it" Sam sighed. It became dark and Sam found the ingredients to a spell to open a secret door. Crowley got the stuff and Sam mixed it up. "Remember Stay close, and shut the hell up" Sam said. "And Ava. I trust you" Sam told me and I smiled and I heard Crowley scoff.

Sam said the words and the bowl of ingredients started to glow. It stopped and a white and yellow mist appeared a few feet away from us. Sam threw the bowl to the side and we all walked toward it. We walked through and suddenly we were in a house. A very large one. I looked around and then back at Sam who was walking away.

I caughed up and we walked down a hall way. Sam pushed us all against a wall and then a guy came. He was short with dark hair and wore a suit. Sam jumped and held a knife to his throat. "Take me to my brother" he demanded and Crowley and I looked at each other. I pointed down the hall way and he walked and I went the other way.

"Shape shifter" I heard some one laughed and I peaked around the corner with my gun. I saw Dean and he was chained to a post and Sam was also chained to a post. I stopped for a second and saw the guy that Sam held and he cut Sam's face. "Hey!" I yelled and he looked at me and I shot, and missed.

He walked over to me and blew dust into my face and said a couple words. "Fantastic isnt it" he smiled and I just stood there. I couldnt raise my arms or speak. I heard chains clink and it of the corner of my eye I saw Dean walk up to this guy and cut his head off with a bone. I felt a weight lifted off me and I ran over to them.

Dean was shaking with the blade still in his hand. "Hes dead" Sam told him and Dean started to raise the blade up. "Its done. Drop it" Sam spoke and I tried to walk over but Crowley grabbed me. "Dean!" Sam yelled and he looked at him then dropped it.

"Dont touch her!" Dean pointed at Crowley and he let go of me. I walked over and picked up the blade as Dean backed up a step. We got out of that house and ended up in the woods. We started to walk back and it was daylight out again. We got to the clearing and I saw the impala with all the doors opened.

"No no noo" Dean said and ran over. Sam also ran over and opened the trunk. I saw the doors and it looked like some one had keyed it. "Abaddon couldnt find it either. But the trunk is good" Sam said and I looked at Dean. "Uuum guys" I said and shut one of the doors. "What the crap! They key cars now!" Dean yelled and shut the other door.

"What Language is that?" Sam asked as we stood back and looked at it. "Its enochian" Crowley told us. "Its not a note for you it's for me. Be afraid. Your Queen" Crowley rolled his eyes. "She thinks I'm losing my grip" he sighed. "Ava" Sam said and I walked over to him. "You said Crolwey was only useful until we got the blade. We have the blade" Sam said quietly and I was grabbed from behind.

The blade was taken from my jacket and held to my throat. "Crowley!" Dean yelled and Crolwey pushed them up against the car with the demon powers. "Its no good to you with out me" Dean told him. "But as long as I have it. It's no good to you" Crowley told him. "I swear if you hurt her" Dean gritted his teeth and I felt the blade touch my neck.

"I can tell Abaddon isn't the only one on your list. So when you locate her I will be happy to give this back" Crowley told them. "Maybe I'll take her with me too" I heard him chuckled. "You son of a bitch. It'll be the last thing you ever do" Dean told him again.

"What could you do about it. Call it. .  incentive?" Crowly asked and they were quiet. I blinked and we were in the middle of now where. "Crowley!" I yelled but I didnt see him.

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