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"Ok then. Everyone ready?" Chuck asked and we all nodded. I stood with Sam and Dean as Rowena went outside. I heard screams and lighting.

Then Crowley attacked with his Demons. It was quiet for a moment and Amara stumbled in to the door. She looked at God and walked over.

"Hello brother. You cheated" she told him and stepped down.

Lucifer was hiding with a huge spear. He ran out and stabbed her in the back. She gasped and fell to the ground as Lucifer pulled the spear out. Lucifer went to stab her again but Chuck held his hand up.

"I'm sorry. . for this. For everything" Chuck told her. "An apology at last. What is sorry to me?" Amara asked.

"I spent millions of years in that box. Alone and scared" Amara breathed out and looked up at God.

Dean stepped forwards and Sam stopped him. "I begged for Death. I begged for you brother. What was my crime!?" Amara yelled.

"The world needed to be born" Chuck said with a shakey voice. "And you wouldn't let me" Chuck raised his voice.

"Amara you gave me no choice" Chuck yelled at her. "That's your story. The real reason why I wasnt aloud to exist is because you couldn't stand it." Amara put her hands on the ground.

"We were equals" Amara looked at Sam Dean and I. "We were great and powerful because we stood next to each other in power and in relation" she spoke.

"You think you made the acrangles to bring light?  No. You created them to create lesser beings" Amara looked back at Chuck.

"To make you large. To make you Lord" Amara stood up and looked at Chuck.

"It was ego!" She yelled. "You wanted to be big" Amara spit and Chuck looked at her.

"That's true. But it isnt the whole truth" Chuck spoke and looked at Amara. "The glory of creation. Its greater than my ego. It was there just there waiting to be born" Chuck strained.

"It was just there like you and I and I know you've seen it. Felt it" Chuck glanced at Dean.

Amara had tears in her eyes and she looked at all of us and then back to Chuck.

"It didn't have to be like this" Amara said breathlessly. "I loved you brother" she spoke sadly.

"Well. You've won again" she sighed. "Kill me" She spoke and Chuck looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry" he spoke and I felt a burning on my left arm. She cried out and I looked at my arm as I grunted and I had the Mark. Sam and Dean looked at me and it stopped burning.

"No. Not again!" Amara yelled and lifted Chuck up. Lucifer ran at her and she threw him against the wall.

"Good bye Nephew" Amara spoke. "Cas!" Dean shouted and ran over to him. I held my arm and Dean was thrown against a wall.

"I'll die a million more times and kill you a million more before I ever go back there" Amara spoke and Chuck was up in the air choking by Amaras hand. The burning came back to my arm and the Mark disappeared.

"Tell me. If you wont change, then why should I" she asked Chuck. "Amara no" Dean shouted. Chuck started to glow a bright white and I shut my eyes.

I heard a thud and the light was gone. I opened them and Chuck was laying on the ground and Amara was just standing there.

"Hes dead. Gods dead" Sam spoke. "Amara what have you done?" Dean asked her. "Hes dying. My brother will fade away in to nothing" Amara spoke.

"But not until he watches the world burn. Everything will turn to ash" Amara stood over Chuck.

"Welcome to the end" She looked at us and then she disappeared. I stood up and Chuck and Lucifer were passed out.

Sam helped me up and Dean grabbed my arm and pulled up my sleeve. The Mark wasn't there. He sighed in relief and patted my shoulder and walked over to Cas.

"Chuck" I spoke as I walked over to him. "Chuck. Can you hear me?" I asked and Chuck winced. Chuck rolled over and sat up. "How do you feel?" I asked him.

"You know when your driving and a bug hits your window? I'm the bug" Chuck told me and winced.

"So you are dying?" Dean asked and I looked back. "Cas?" I asked and Dean nodded as he helped him.

"Yea what ever she did. I can feel my light fading" Chuck nodded. "Well tell us how to fix you" Dean told him.

"Maybe she could but I doubt she would." Chuck spoke and I heard foot steps.

I pulled out my gun and I pointed it. Rowena stood there and she raised an eye brow.

"Well that was a complete dogs breakfast" Crowley walked in, and Sam helped Chuck up. "I didnt know dogs had breakfast" Cas spoke.

"Cas is back" Dean spoke. "Has anyone bothered to look outside?" Rowena asked us. We all followed her and I saw a big black mark on the ground.

Then I looked up.

The sky was orange with red and the sun was not as bright.

"The sun. What happened?" I asked. "She destroyed it. If that's gone. So is the rest of the world" Cas spoke.

"Let's get the hell outta here." Dean spoke and I heard a snap and we were all in the bunker.

"You" Crowley pointed at Chuck. "Still got a few tricks" Chuck smiled and Sam let go of him. "I'm not dead ye-" Chuck stopped as he fell over and Sam caught him.

"I should probably sit down" Chuck nodded and Sam set him in a chair as he coughed. "What do we do now?" Cas asked. Dean looked at him and then he walked off and Sam and Cas followed him.

I walked over and in to the kitchen were they all stood. Dean had a beer in his hand and raised it as I walked in.

"What are we gonna do about the sun?" I asked. "I'm gonna get drunk" Dean told me and I raised an eye brow.

"We cant just do nothing" Sam insisted. "Well what then Sam? What are we gonna do?" Dean asked and opened another beer.

"This isnt gonna be enough. I'm gonna make a run" Dean spoke. "Sam Cas Ava" he looked at all if us.

"I'm gonna stay here and find plan B" Sam shook his head. "I'm with him on this" Cas spoke and Dean looked at me.

"How bout you kiddo? I'll let you drive" he offered and I looked at Sam and Cas and I walked over to Dean. "Yea let's go" I told him.

Dean's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now