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Sam struggled in his ropes as the knife was slowly turned to the woman. Magda just stood there as the knife was going towards her mother.

"Magda stop. You dont have to do this" Sam told her and tried to pull free. I tried to reach in to my pocket but I couldnt.

"Magda no one else has to die. Please!" Sam strained and pulled as hard as he could.

Magda and her mother were both crying as Sam and I struggled. The tip of the knife was almost to the mothers chest and she dropped it on the table and Magda looked away and I heard her sniff and cry.

Sam let out a breath and breathed heavily. Sam and I got untied and the mother was arrested and Magda was gonna go stay with her aunt in California.

I saw Magda hug Sam and Dean got Beth's personal number even though he was gonna kill her.

We all got back in the car and drove back home. "When we get home can you look at my hand?" I asked Sam and held it.

"What did you do?" Dean asked. "I think I broke it when the British bitch got us" I told him and looked down at it.

"Really?" Sam asked and turned around. I lifted it up and he carefully grabbed it. "Ow" I said as he poked near my thumb.

"Definitely broken" he told me and I sighed. "Jesus. Ava" Dean told me. "And you still couldn't get away" Dean spoke and I rolled my eyes.

"She was fucking crazy" I told him as Sam turned my hand over. "Were not buying in to there crap of let's be friends right?" I asked and they shook here heads. "Ow" I said again and I smacked Sam's hand.

"I'll wrap it up when we get back" he told me and smiled. We got back to the bunker and I sat down on a table and Sam got some stuff.

"What are we gonna do about them?" I asked as Sam wrapped my hand up.

"Not sure, but what ever it is. Its not gonna be nice" Dean told me and I nodded. "I thought Cas healed you" Dean told me and I shook my head.

"Well I mean he did a little bit, but always makes me feel weird. I thought I was fine" I shrugged.

We got home and I sat down on the table as Sam got some stuff for my hand.

"We can call Cas" Sam spoke and I shook my head. "I'll be fine. Hes working" I shrugged and he smiled.

My left hand was now in a cast and we all looked at each other. "I love being usless" I sighed as I got off the table. "Your not useless" Dean told me.

"I'm going to bed" I told them. "Good night" they both spoke and I walked into my room and fell asleep.


I woke up and I looked over and there was a note on my bed side table.


Caught a case. Wanted to let you rest.


I smiled and rolled my eyes. I took the note and I put it in the bottom drawer where all the rest of them were. I spent the day reading and the next day I heard the door open.

"Ava!" I heard Dean call and I looked up and he was eating pie as he walked down the steps.

"Ava!" Dean called again and he had a stupid grin on his face and Sam was smiling too. "Did you kill it?" I asked.

"It? Me. I killed it" Dean pointed to himself. "What was-" "Hitler. I killed Hitler" Dean told me and I scrunched my eye brows and looked at Sam who nodded.

"What?" I asked. "I killed Hitler" Dean repeated. "Tell her Sammy" Dean spoke. "He did. He killed Hitler" Sam nodded.

"Well. I guess I'm proud of you? Good job" I shrugged and Dean smiled. "Pie?" Dean asked and we sat down and ate then went to bed.


I woke up to a knock. "Yea?" I called and Sam walked in. "Case. Vamps. 10 minutes" he told me and I nodded and he walked out. I got up and we went and killed the nest.

"Jody's is on the way. Maybe we should go over there" Dean spoke and Sam and I nodded. We drove to Jody's house and we stood on the porch and Dean knocked. Jody opened the door and smiled.

The boys walked in and kissed her cheek. "What are you guys doing here?" She asked and hugged me.

"We just got done with a hunt and figured we would stop by and see you, Claire, and Alex" Sam smiled.

"Sadly there up in Bolder for a concert, but I can feed you" Jody offered and the boys nodded.

"Oh, and since the last time I saw you I killed Hitler" Dean told Jody and Sam and I sighed.

"Thank you" Jody said a bit unsure. "Your welcome" Dean nodded and smiled. We sat and ate pizza and watched a chic flick.

Jody's phone rang and she got up to get it. She came back and she sniffed and walked past us.

"Jody" I called and got up and followed her. "What happened?" Sam asked. "Friend of mine died" Jody wiped her eyes and started to lay clothes on her bed. "Who?" I asked.

"Asa Fox" she spoke. "Why does that sound familiar?" Dean asked. "Asa Fox the hunter? Hes a legend. He took down like 5 wendigos at once" I spoke and they looked at me. "How do you know him?" Jody asked me.

"He and I worked a case back when Dean was in Purgatory. A whole vamps nest and just the two of us" I spoke.

"You?" I asked Jody. "He rolled in to town a few months back and tried to convince me he was FBI. He and I worked a case and ever since he came back every few weeks and we had cof- coffee" Jody got choked up and looked at the ground.

"Oh he was a good man" Jody frowned and she looked like she could cry. "The wakes tonight and then there gonna salt and burn the body tomorrow. I cant belive I just said that like it's a normal thing" she spoke and my phone rang.

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