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We walked to the car and I saw a bird poop on the wind shield of the impala and I saw Sam chuckle. "Hey dick move pigeon" Dean looked up at the bird sitting on the lamp. "Did- Can I hear all animals?" Dean asked the dog.

"What's he saying?" I asked as Dean looked back up at the pigeon. "Hes being a douche bag" Dean yelled and I saw some people looking at us. "Shut it you winging rat!" Dean yelled again at the bird. "Dude" Sam smiled and Dean looked at him.

"Just calm down and get in the car" Sam laughed and Dean huffed. "Oh that's it you son of a bitch!" Dean yelled and pulled out his gun. "Dean" Sam said and pulled his arm down and pushed him to the car. The dog and I sat in the back and Dean in front while Sam drove.

The windows were rolled down and Dean and the Colonel stuck there heads out the whole way. Once we got back to the shelter Sam and I got out and Dean was opening the dogs door. "I think its best if we just leave the Colonel in the car" Sam told him.

"Excuse me?" Dean said. "All the windows are down" Sam said. "You think we like that?" Dean asked. "We?" Sam asked. "You think just because all the windows are down that's some sort of treat?" Dean asked. "No the dogs comin in" Dean told Sam.

"Dont fight him on this one" I told Sam and pushed him. Dean and the dog stopped and Sam hit my arm and we both looked. They were staring at a white poodle. "You said it" Dean agreed. "Dean" Sam called and Dean whipped around and we all walked in.

I sat on the ground and pet the Colonel while Dean talked to the other dogs. "Alright come on. We gotta get down town. The guy works at a restaurant" Dean told me and I stood up and handed the leash to Dean. The dog whimpered and looked up at me. "He says thank you for petting him" Dean told me and I smiled down at him.

We started to walk out and Dean stopped. "What is it?" I asked and stopped. He handed the leash back to me and started to open all of the cages and the dogs ran out. Dean smiled as the last one ran and we all got back in the car and drove to the restaurant.

It was dark and the restaurant was closed so we parked in the back. I picked the lock and the three of us walked in. "Who can afford to be closed on a Monday?" Dean asked. "A homocidal maniac" Sam said and we all nodded.

We went through a door and it was dark. We shined our flash lights and looked around. Sam found some pills and I looked around on the shelves. "Did you hear that?" Dean asked. "No" Sam and I said. "I found a spell book" Sam said and Dean lifted the cover off a cage and showed some little mice.

"Eat you?" He asked the mice and then turned around. "Cheeta liver. Grizzly heart" Dean said grossed out as he looked in the fridge. "What the hell is a chef doing with witch craft?" I asked and walked over to Sam.

"Says what every animal organ you eat mixed with the right Hoo-Doo and the right spices then you get the ability of that animal" Sam read. "Owl. Brain for IQ. Cheeta liver for speed and grizzly heart for strength" Sam said and I shuttered. "That would make since. Cause he squeezed the taxidermist and clawed the guy at the shelter."

I nodded and looked around on the desk. "No offense but why would he eat you guys?" Dean asked the mice and I found note cards with mixed ingredients. "Hes mixing them" I showed Sam. "What the hell for?" Sam shook his head and I heard metal clambering outside and I brought my gun up as did the boys.

Sam turned off the light and we walked out. We walked in to the kitchen and I saw a guy and put my gun away. "Who the hell are you?" The guy cutting stuff up asked. "Were from the health department" I cleared my throat. "We stopped by for an inspection" Sam nodded.

"I wasn't aware that we had one scheduled" the guy said and looked at us. "You wouldnt be. I thought you were closed anyway" Dean said. "We are but the chef is having a private dinner. In fact he'll be here any minute" he told us. "In that case this kitchen is shut down" Dean said.

"Shut down? Why?" He exclaimed as another guy walked in with a plate if food. "Because you both are in clear violation of penal code 8.14" Sam told them. "That means get out" I told them and pointed to the door. They sighed and walked out.

"I'll take the back Sam check around the side and Ava check in back" Dean said and we all nodded and broke up. I heard a thudding noise and I pulled out my gun. I walked down the hall way and looked around but didnt see anything. I heard a foot step behind me and I whipped around and saw the chef there.

He knocked my gun from my hand and scratched my neck. I grunted and held my neck and stumbled and leaned against the wall. "Chameleons arent that bad. They kind of taste like chicken" he smiled. I turned around and was bleeding quiet a bit. I was about to pass out and then the next second I was fine.

I gasped in air and looked at my hand but I wasnt bleeding anymore. I turned around and looked at the guy. "How the hell did you do that?" He asked me shocked. "D-do what?" I stampered. "Screw the shark your my main course" he said and punched me and I blacked out before I hit the ground.

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