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As we ate Dean got a phone call. "Hello?" He answered. "Yes we'll be right up" Dean nodded and looked at us. He hung up and looked at us.

"How do we feel about South Dakota?" He asked us. We drove to Jody's place and Claire had called Dean to look at some monsters.

We got there and Clarie let us in because Jody and Alex weren't home. I looked around the house as the boys talked with Claire.

I heard the door open and I walked back and saw Jody hug Sam and Dean.

"Ava" she gasped and looked at me. "Come here girl" he wrapped her arms around me and I hugged her back.

"You guys settle in. I'll put another chicken in" Jody told us and walked to the kitchen. I looked at the guys and they looked very happy.

"Shes cooking real food?" I asked and they both nodded with there mouths open.

"You might wanna make it two" Dean called to Jody and he looked at Sam and I. Jody cooked dinner and we all sat down. Sam and Dean sat beside each other.

Clarie and Alex sat beside each other and Jody at the head of the table and I was at the end of the table sitting next to Dean and Claire. We all got food on our plates and Sam and Dean just couldn't seem to eat fast enough.

All you could hear was them eating and clinking there forks as the rest of us ate quietly. "God this is a good bird" Dean spoke and nodded.

"Can we get to the case please" Clarie asked. "3 people are missing" Claire spoke. "There is no evidence that they didnt skip town on there own" Jody told us, and Dean scooped the rest of the potatoes on to his plate. "Dude" Sam spoke.

"Theres more." Dean told him. "Yes there is about 4 more pounds in the kitchen" Jody nodded and I stood up.

"I'll get them" I smiled and took the bowl in to the kitchen. I walked in and I set the bowl down and I walked out the back door.

I grabbed a beer from the fridge and I started to drink that as I leaned against the car. A few minutes past and I heard foot steps. I looked over and saw Dean walking over.

"You always know the exact time to walk out of a room" he chuckled. "Yea?" I asked and drank my beer and he hummed. "This?" He asked and pointed to my beer. "Mmhh" I nodded. He leaned up against the car with me and we stood there for a second.

"Ava" he said and I looked up at him. "I'm sorry" he looked at me and I was taken back by this. "What did you do this time?" I asked and he smiled.

"I dragged you into this life. Hunting. Monsters. Traveling." He sighed. "The family business" I spoke and he looked at me again and he smiled.

"Your mom-" he started and I shook my head. "Dean" I said and he was quiet. "I love this. I love you and Sam. Hunting was bound to happen. I'm a freakin Winchester" I told him and he shrugged and he nodded.

"I guess your right. But you never finished school or got to have any friends. I took that all away" he spoke sadly. "What? I have lots of friends. Some hunters yes but some arent. You didnt take anything away from me. You helped me through what I had lost and I'm grateful for everything you've done" I told him and he looked back forwards.

"And I'm pretty sure I'm smarter than you are" I laughed and he pushed me a little bit. "What about college?" He asked me.

"Did you go to college?" I asked him and he hummed. "Sam did" he told me. "Sam is a nerd" I told him and we both laughed.

"I'm not Lisa though. I cant talk to you about boys and other stuff when you start becoming a woman as you already have" he told me and I smiled.

"I dont mind. I dont like talking about that stuff anyways" I shrugged and he hummed. It was quiet again for another minute before he pushed him self off the car.

"Good talk" he nodded and he walked inside. I went in a little bit after and we all went to bed.


"Ava" I heard my name and I recieved a shake.

"10 more minutes please" I begged. "Some one died. We gotta go" Dean's voice rang through. "What?" I asked and sat up quickly. I knocked my head against Dean's. We both groaned and he stood up and I laid back down as we grabbed our heads.

"Jesus" he rubbed the top of his head. "I'll be ready in 10. Sorry" I told him and sat back up. "Ok" he nodded and he walked out as he scratched his head. I got suited up and I walked out. Sam Dean Jody and all stood there as I walked out.

"Ava. You ready?" Dean asked and I looked at them. "I forgot we had the Sheriff here" I smiled and Jody nodded. "I'll just. I'll just stay here. 3's a party 4 is just weird" I smiled and they looked at each other.

"Ok" Dean nodded. "Text me if anything happens" I spoke and walked back to the guest room I was sleeping in as they walked out. I was alone. I sat in the house and Sam and Claire walked in as I was typing on my computer.

"Did you kill it?" I asked as I typed. "We dont know what it is yet" Sam sighed as he sat down. "No witnesses no hex bags or sulfur" he sighed. "Hhmm" I shrugged.

"Poor teacher was hung upside down on a flag pole. No one saw no one knows anything" Sam shook his head and got out his computer. Jody and Dean walked in and looked at us.

"Mr. Weller checks out. He was at the bar last night" Jody spoke. "But his social security number does not." Sam typed and then looked back. All 5 of us were in the room and it was quiet for a second.

"We better go talk to him then" Dean spoke and Sam stood up. "I'm going with. I have a fed suit and I can be a trainee" Claire stood up.

"Uumm no. Were leaving in half an hour for registration" Jody told Claire.

"Just reschedule it" Claire spoke. "Again?" Jody asked. "Hey" Dean spoke and Sam and Dean glanced at her both and she sighed. "Fine" she told them.

"Ava that means your with us. Go get changed" Dean told me and I stood up. I got changed and Sam Dean and I drove to this address that a janitor gave the boys.

Dean's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now