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Hello!! I'm user gooberz09, but throughout the story I'll be going by Brie (/>o<)/

I've been watching Dance with Devils since it came out and have been in love with it ever since.

And of course I don't own anything related to DwD. This is a work of fiction >o<

So I've written plenty of X readers in the past, but they were mostly for my own benefit and were never posted. I couldn't see them as anything special and to me they kind of felt, well, generic.

It's the same cheerful stories where everyone gets a happy ending. And after a year of writing with that thought process, I kind of got bored of the perfect ideal couple.

So for this X Reader it may be a bit different ;)

Who knows what the future may hold~?

Anywho that's it for the introduction, thanks in advance for reading and I hope you enjoy what my X Reader has to offer ^~^

Also don't be afraid to vote or comment!! Feedback is always welcome and if you spot any mistakes please let me know!

And without further ado, enjoy the story~


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