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"Argh! Monsters!"Galaxy shouted. "Forget about food! Forget about sheep! Forget about beds! GET BACK HOME NOW!"

She smiled. "Maybe, just maybe, crafting a sword and killing some zombies might be a good idea after all..."

She crafted a stone sword and charged.

*slash slash*

"Get recked damn monsters!" She cheered. "Too bad for you! Now, for the sheep meat..."

One minute later...

"Sheep! Come here!" Galaxy called. "Lemme kill you, dearies!"

*slash slash*   *franic baaing sound*

"I think I'll keep you sheep for future food sources." She said to the scared sheep.

I got enough wool to make a bed! Now to get back home, sleep though the night, and--- GET AWAY ZOMBIES!!!"

Zombies swarmed her.

"Argh! Bye zombies! DIE! Oh no... skeletons too?" She screeched. "Too bad then, 'cause you're gonna DIE!!!"

*dramatic wailing from monsters*

"Too bad!" Galaxy shouted with glee. "That'll teach you to mess with Galaxy!"

"I'll put some torches around my house just in case." She said. "That reminds me. I'll go mining tomorrow. Hopefully I'll find some coal, or maybe even iron and, hopefully, diamond! And some gold would be good too!"

"Well, that's my plan for tomorrow." She laughed. "For now, I'll have to settle for chopping wood, I suppose."

So that's what she did.

At evening...

A axeless Galaxy returned from the forest.

"Well, I need a new axe. I'll make it a stone one, so it'll last longer." She announced to no on in particular. "At least I'll have more wood to work with. I'll make 2 stone pickaxes for mining tomorrow."

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