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Galaxy's POV (1st P)

Shadow stabbed me.

In the arm.

Thankfully, my left arm.

I was sprawled on the floor.

I don't know how, but I stood up. Suddenly, my bones were full of renewed energy. I fired a fireball, made entirely of light.

Somehow, I had magic!

I fought this battle with swiftness and strength, much more than anything I have experienced. This was much more thrilling.

More fun. More exciting.

The feeling didn't last long though.

Shadow fired a ball of pure darkness. I deflected it with my sword and it broke. The ball of darkness flew back at Shadow and he absorbed it easily.

He sent a wave of dark matter at me, sucking all the energy from me.

With the little energy I had left, I created a light sword and returned it back to Shadow, one by one.

He melted into shadow and reappeared by my side and knocked me off my feet. I made a forcefield around me and Shadow couldn't touch me.

For the meantime.

I had to think of something. Quickly.

Shadow was blasting my forcefield, hoping to get a dent in it.

I could either keep this forcefield for a long as I could or I could take the forcefield down suddenly and attack him while he is distracted.

I vote for the second option.

I attacked him and he was knocked out.

I made the blow softer so he won't be seriously hurt.

This just shows that girls have compassion and they rule.

I stumbled. Suddenly, my knees buckled and I blacked out.

Shadow's POV (1st P)

I woke up with a massive headache.

The first thing I remember was Herobrine's eyes. No... Galaxy's eyes. They looked like Herobrine's though.

How did Galaxy have powers, anyway?

I thought Galaxy didn't have powers!

Now she made me look like a fool. Damn it.

Owwww... My head hurts just thinking 'bout it.

Sophie's POV (1st P)

Hey, what about me?

Ok fine...

Sophie and Eihpos's POV (1st P)


Yeah I guess so

Ok then I'll let Sophie talk.

On with the story guys!

Ok...*weirded out by all this weird business*

Holy crap how did Galaxy have powers?

Idk dud. She had white eyes though. She kinda looked like...



Fine... you wanna say she looked like Herobrine?

Yeah... for a sec.

It won't be Herobrine helping her right?

Again, idk dud. We could keep a lookout though. She is my friend after all.

Fine. Whatever you say, O great Sophie.

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