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Herobrine's POV (1st P)

I woke up with a massive headache.

Galaxy bent over me, worried.

"You ok?" She asked.

"Yeah, I suppose." I answered.

(I'm going to give up on the whole Italian font thingy, it takes way too much time. XD)

"You know, can you stop hitting me with fireballs?"

I laughed. "Ok. Whatever you say."

You were possessed.

By who, Ender?

(Oh, unless he or anyone is Mind talking.)

I don't know. You should still go to find Galaxy's twin though.

Ok fine.

"Let's go."

"Wait where?" Shadow says.

"To find my twin sis, of course." Galaxy elbowed Shadow. "Dummy."

"Who're you calling dummy?"


He (Shadow) sent a dark ball at Galaxy.

"No!" I shout with Sophie.

Who knows, Galaxy actually caught the ball and threw it back at him.

"Oh." I said, embarrassed.

"Let's go. What're you waiting for?" Galaxy looks at us with a weird look on her face.

"Are you ok Galaxy?" I ask, concerned. "You kind of look weird and funny today."

"I'm ok!" She snapped.

I turned.

Galaxy's POV (1st P)

I was trapped in a corner of my mind.

My other piece of mind was thinking to kill my friends. And Herobrine.

Stop! I tried to reason to my evil part. Be good. You don't need to kill for power.

I cackled.

My friends looked at me.

"Galaxy? Are you ok?" Sophie asks.

I didn't respond. At least my counterpart didn't. I was hammering at the wall that separated me from my mind.

I shot a fireball at Sophie. Shadow saved her just in time.

"Now you will die!" I laughed like a maniac.

"Galaxy?" Shadow asks.

Get away Shadow. I shout in my sane piece of mind. I'll kill you!

As expected, I shot a lightball at him.

He crumbled to the ground, tears still falling.

It hurt my heart to see one of your most loved people fall to the ground, defeated by yours truly, but still believing in you.

For a moment, my body took control, and I manage to choke out," Evil counterpart... taking... control... stop this before... It kills someone... I love..."

I looked at Shadow, Sophie and Herobrine.

They seem to understand.

Then I was yanked back in my small piece of mind.

Shadow's POV (1st P)

I can't believe that Galaxy wants us to kill her.

Next to me, Herobrine sobbed silently into his arms.

"It'll be okay, Herobrine." I wrapped my arm around him. "We'll find a way to stop her and it doesn't include killing her."

Herobrine just disappeared.

I saw him sit in another corner.

Galaxy was still destroying things.

She haven't found us yet.

We were under some rubble and it hollowed out into a small room.

We all hid there.

Herobrine's POV (1st P)

Not again. Not after Notch.

Not... not after them.

I teleported. Out.

Shadow and Sophie rushed out too.

I screamed at Galaxy.

"This is not you!" I shout. "I refuse to believe this, Galaxy!"

"But this has happened!" She cackled. "And I'm not Galaxy anymore."

"I'm Nightmare. Call me Night."

"No!" I shout. "Get out! Take control, Galaxy."

"You wanna see Galaxy?" Galaxy, no, Night sneered. "Wait. I'll bring her out."

Galaxy's POV (1st P)

My counterpart came.

"What do you want?" I pant.

The magical walls were slowly sucking my energy. When it succeeds, I'll be powerless.

"Well, just wanna show your pitying self to your friends."

With that, she sent a ball of light my way and I fell unconscious.

Herobrine's POV (1st P)

Seeing Galaxy laying there, in Night's hands, made me want to rush over and kill Night, but I know that'll kill Galaxy, too.

"Soon, Galaxy's soul will be mines!" I heard Night say.

She put Galaxy back to where she put her before and my heart broke.

I was supposed to protect her, but I failed.

I failed at everything.

I failed everyone.

I failed my own daughter.

I collapsed and sobbed silently.

"I failed you!" I screamed.

I had a sudden urge to sucumbe to the madness, to give in to the dark side of my mind.

Let me take control. It seem to be saying.

But no. I shook my head.

I had to be strong.

For the sake of everyone.

More precisely, my daughter.

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