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Galaxy's POV (1st P)

I had pretty much gone hopeless.

The magic drained my energy constantly, and I was floating in and out of sub-conscious.

My friends were hunted by Night, my evil counterpart, and I could only sit there and watch.

All Herobrine talks about these days are how he failed me and everyone.

I tried Mind talk with him and it didn't work.

I just didn't have enough energy to do it.

Herobrine's POV (1st P)

(You know, this chapter is just all about despair and missing hope)

I didn't want to eat.

I didn't want to sleep.

I didn't want to do anything.

All I want is to sit here and stare at nothing.

Shadow and Sophie did everything to cheer me up.

Nothing worked.

I didn't want it to work.

I wanted everything to be normal.

Galaxy back in my arms, and her sister too.

The family reunited.

Everyone and everything safe.

Me and my brothers to become friendly again.

To lose all my bad memories and to think that this is all a bad dream.

Too bad reality isn't like that.

Reality is the exact opposite of what you want, as I learnt.

I want my whole family?

Too bad, one of them was controlled by her evil counterpart, two of them were missing (twin sis and mum), and to sum it up, two of them hate me and I'm supposed to kill them.

I want everything and everyone safe?

Too bad, the world was currently being destroyed by my own daughter.

I want to forget all the bad stuff and think it was all a dream?

Too bad, I can't do that. The memories are too deeply engraved in my heart for me to ever forget.

So like I said, reality and dream are completely opposite things.

Reality is like Hell. Or if you'll describe it in a Minecraft way, the Nether.

Seriously I'm moving when this madness is over.

Sooo. On with the story.

Dream is like heaven. Or the Aither.

I'm moving there, I swear. Or the Overworld. I'm seriously moving.

And so, I'm in like Hell right now. I'm in the Nether.

Wait, that doesn't make sense.

What would I give for me to be in heaven?


But it seems like I'm in Hell. For I'm in reality. And reality is Hell.

Shadow's POV (1st P)

"Hey, at least we wern't controlled by someone too." Sophie said.

"Shut up."


"Just shut up."

I went away.

Why did everything have to be so difficult?

I just want my girlfriend back, and the world to stop fighting, to be completely peaceful.

Is that too much to ask?

I kind of envy Herobrine.

He just spaces out and do nothing.

I tried to do that but everytime Sophie stops me.

"Don't do that." She said. "Don't lose hope."

I felt hopeless.

Sophie's POV (1st P)

Everyone feels hopeless.

Me too.

I've been trying to keep sprits up, but Herobrine spaces out and now Shadow's trying to do the same.

I heard Herobrine muttering, "I failed everyone" and "It seems like I'm in Hell. For I'm in reality. And reality is Hell."

And Shadow screaming to the Sun, "I just want my girlfriend back, and the world to stop fighting, to be completely peaceful. Is that too much to ask?"

And even "I kind of envy Herobrine. He just spaces out and do nothing."

Well, me too.

I've been trying to stay positive, but this is too much to bear.

I don't know what to do now.

Galaxy's POV (1st P)

The magic's been draining my energy like crazy.

I can't even move now and I just lay there, not able to do anything.

If my friends even save me, there won t be much left.

I might as well lose my memories.

Well, it might happen.

When I come out, seeing as they killed Night and I survived her dying, I might just lose all my memories or part of them.

I lost all hope.

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