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Sophie's POV (1st P)

"Herobrine?" I asked.

He nodded.

"This calls for a celebration!" I shouted.

"Well, how do we know you're actually Herobrine?" Shadow asked.

Ahh, always the cautious one.

"Ah. Always the cautious one." Herobrine winked at me. I think he somehow read my mind. "Well, I think I can show you."

"Form a circle around me and place one hand on me." He said.

We did so and he close his eyes and opened it again.

His eyes were glowing and he sent thoughts into our minds.

We went into his mind and he sent us memories of what happened when he was kidnapped.

He went to Night's body and made sure Night was dead before walking away.

A boy dressed in black appeared and grabbed him. He was drained of power and couldn't move. He looked at the boy.

The boy cut Herobrine's hand.

"Who-o are y-you?" He managed to choke out.

The boy didn't answer.

He looked at Herobrine.

"The effects-"

He was cut off by Notch knows what.

Actually, even Notch didn't know.

Have enough look in my memories, huh? A voice asked dryly.

I turned to see Herobrine.

"So who is the real Herobrine?" Galaxy asked.

He's Shatter. The same voice said.

"Argh! I give up!" Herobrine 1 said. "I'm Shatter!"

Why did you take over?

"I wanted to have some fun!"


"Ugh. I'm back." Herobrine said.

"So you have a counterpart?" Steve asked.

"I told you that!"

"I thought it was just talk." Steve said sheepishly.




Always the one to clear the tension.

"I think I'm gonna kill you Steve." Herobrine said.

You could tell he was very angry. His eyes were glowing and the air around him was full of tension.

He summoned a diamond sword and charged.

Galaxy's POV (1st P)

"Stop!" I heard myself yell.

Herobrine stopped, suprisingly.

He rubbed his temples and sighed.

"Stop." He growled.

"Stop, what?" I approached him cautiously.

He collapsed and I ran to him.


"Hero!" Notch rushed over to him.

Notch knelt at Herobrine's side and touched his forehead.

He closed his eyes and sighed.

"Evil side again?!" He said, shaking his head.

Herobrine suddenly opened his eyes and shook his head.

"All cleared." He said.

"Now, let's go find my daughter."

"She's right here!" Shadow pointed out.

I snorted. "I have a twin sister, right?" I added sarcastically. "Hello? Earth to Mars?"

Shadow sighed. 

That's when I turned into a cat.


Sorry this is shorter then most :P

And I'm a CAT!


Cya next chapter.

Or longer.

You'll never know, with me as the author.


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