Is Anybody Here?

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(A/N one of Galaxy's eyes are yellow but I couldn' find a pic.)

Galaxy woke up asking herself if there were other people around.

"There might be, considering how big this place is. The ocean stretches for miles and the plains seem endless." She smiled. It might be good to have some friends around.

"Don't be silly!" Another part of her mind said. "You haven't seen any, did you? It might not even be Minecraft, for a long as we know."

She frowned. Is this even Minecraft?
She can't even be sure! If this was Minecraft, it might be a single-player world. She couldn't be sure.

"Stop, mind." She said aloud without intending to. "Stop thinking nonsense and work."

Work, what?

She decided to go mining.

She went down to the caves and set towards another path. She saw some redstone and mined it, even though she didn't know what to do with it. She saw some iron and happily mined it. She found some gold and mined it up. Her first pickaxe broke and she switched to her second one.

"I need to make a iron pickaxe." Galaxy said. "It's more efficient and I can't mine diamond without it."

Soon after, she came across some coal and behind it, diamond. She marked the place, since she didn't have an iron pickaxe, and headed back up to rest, eat, and make an iron pickaxe.

And all this time, her mind was not set on these things, but on the question that if anybody was here.

(This was edited so here is Galaxy:



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