What the FLIP is Happening in This World?!

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Sophie's POV

"Shadow went off, Notch." I reported.

"What about me?" Steve said, 'hurt' that I hadn't mentioned him.

"Back off, Steve. You don't need attention." Notch joked.

"How dare you?" Steve mock-growled.

He turned into a brown mottled cat.


He unsheathed his claws and leaped at Notch, who turned into a cat and leaped out of the way.

"Enough!" I turned into a cat myself and yowled. "We are supposed to find Galaxy!"

Just then, Shadow walled back as a dog, with a black and gold she-cat and a white male with blue eyes.

Must be funny to see cats arguing.

We turned back into humans.

"This is Galaxy." He jestured to the black cat. "Herobrine." He pointed to the white cat.

It blinked and I saw its eyes glow white.

I looked over to Galaxy and she also blinked. The gold specks disappeared and she became pure black. Her eyes also became pure black and she disappeared.

"What?" I looked over to Shadow.

He kicked the empty spot where Galaxy 'was', and a yowl was heard.

Galaxy turned back into the cat with gold specks and blinked again. She turned pure white with white eyes, like Herobrine.

She went to Herobrine and they seem to disappear.

I saw a faint outline of them. They seem to be talking about something. Then, they sneaked over to Shadow.

Good. I love a good revenge.

Galaxy hovered on top of Shadow, using her wings. Herobrine was circling his feet. Galaxy lifted her tail in a signal, Herobrine watching carefully.

Why had't they attacked yet?

Then, a lot of things happened at once.

Galaxy flicked her tail, fell on top of Shadow's head, made herself comfortable in his hair and laid down, lazily watching the sence unfold under her.

Herobrine jumped at Shadow' feet, turned invisible with only the outlines, and danced on Shadow.

Shadow was screaming and waving his arms around.

We were all laughing.

Fade and Star were watching silently, but I could see the laughter in their eyes.

Galaxy's POV

What the flip is is happening in this world?!

First I find my twin sis. Then a mum who doesn't care comes. Then Herobrine walks into a tree.

And I walk in after him.

I noticed he turned into an ant at the last second, so it seems like he vanished into the tree. I did that too and scuttled out to find Herobrine.

I found him in a tree, looking down at the clearing where we set up camp. He noticed me and jumped down. We decided to go for a walk.

Then Shadow saw us and came. We jumped up to a tree and he looked around confused.

He was about to hop when we jumped on him and 'attacked' him.

He eventually let us back to the clearing, where me and Herobrine performed tricks! And Shadow kicked me. So I got revenge. Yay!




The others are watching us and smirking.

I looked at them then to the others. (Confusing much?) They seem to understand and changed back into humans.

Except me.

"Why are you still a cat?" Star asked.

"Meowr." I meowed.

"Oh... ok."

"How can you understand her?" Shadow asked.

"Grrr!" I growled.

"Oh. I get it."

"What?" The others asked.

I meowed to each of them in turn and they all nodded.


3rd P

Little did they know, a figure in the shadows was watching them.

That figure. Do you know who he is?

The glowing red eyes. The black face. The white hood.

He is...



I know.


Its a small chapter.

But it will be BETTER!

The first one who guesses 'who is the guy' right...

Gets a cookie!



Also gets mentioned in the next chapter.

And if no one comments...

I'm not gonna publish until someone comments.

The first one who guesses right.

The first who comments will be mentioned.

If you get a double... You commented first and guessed right... you get mentioned twice!

The time limit is one week.

I'll wait for one week until publishing the next chapter.

Sorry guys.

But you might get mentioned in da dam booooook!

Oops. Got carried away there.

Tips: Minecraft Myths. Uh... creepypasta.

Easy, huh?

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