The Void

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Herobrine's POV (1st P)

I'm getting desperate.

The people come everyday for my daily torturing.

I've been here for god know how long.

Time runs differently here.

For all I know, a decade, or even a century could have passed here, but only a second, a minute, a hour, or a day could have passed in the Overworld.

They carved a magical scar on my left hand and it shows the days I've been here. It'll stop once I left the Void. Too bad I couldn't see it because I'm chained the the wall.

I just hope that my friends find me before I go insane or something.

But they'll never figure it out, since this is Void and if they even figure it out, how are they supposed to get here?

And if they somehow get in here, they'll be caught for sure. This place is too well protected.

And I'm chained to the wall by the hardest metal ever imagined.

I don't know what it is, but it's sure hard. This room is also magic-proof.

Soooo... good luck breaking in and helping me.

Sophie's POV (1st P)

"Guys." I said. "We need a plan."

"So do you have one?" Notch asked.

"Gosh no!" I whisper as loud as I could. "That's why I asked you guys."

"Uhh... maybe we just break in and think afterwards." Shadow said.

"Wait!" I shouted quietly. (That doesn't make sense... I hope you know what I mean...)"Maybe we think things through."

But Shadow and the others already rushed into the base stealthily.

"Ugh... whatever." I muttered.

I snuck in with them.

Shadow's POV (1st P)

"Yay! We're going to save Herobrine!" I shouted in my mind.

We continued into a large corridor, then went down a gloomy staircase. We had reached the dungeons. One step closer to saving Herobrine.

"Halt." I heard a voice say. "Turn around and surrender or I kill them."

I turned around slowly and saw Sophie and Steve struggling in a man's hands.

"I don't need a knife to kill them," he warned us. "I could just crack their necks. Want me to try?"

"Uh... no." Me and Notch said at the same time. Galaxy just stood there, her gaze silent and murderous.

"Glad. Follow me and you should have a chance to live." He walked down in the rows of the dungeons and stopped in a relatively big one.

He quickly chained Sophie and Steve up and grapped me and Notch with alarming speed. He also chained us up.

We were chained up, our legs in shackles and our hands had chains which are connected to the wall. We could still move, but we couldn't reach far.

There was no hope in saving Herobrine.

Herobrine's POV (1st P)

There were five new prisoners opposite of me. They were whispering and looking around anxiously, as if finding someone. I don't think they're my friends though. They just don't seem to act like them.

"Wake up!" I heard someone say, slapping me.

I muttered something under my breath.

"What did you say?" The guy said, suddenly angry. He slapped me again.

"I said, I have been awake since yesterday!" I shouted angrily. "Drooping my head doesn't necessarily mean that I'm asleep, even chained to the wall."

"Hmph." He said, clearly offended.

"Anyways, I thought that you were here for my daily torturing?" I said.

I heard someone gasp. I ignored it.

I looked at the man. He was silent, neither moving or talking.

"Well?" I asked. "Aren't you going to torture me?"

Steve's POV (1st P)

I never heard any prisoner stand up to the guards. Not here, not anywhere. And this guy opposite us, did it.

I gasped.

"Well?" I heard the guy opposite say. "Aren't you going to torture me?"

The guard seem to come to his senses and hitted the man brutally with a whip.

The man grunted in pain, but didn't scream. I kind of admired his bravery.

The scene was horrifying.

The man was forced to drink poison. Very weak poison, But I could see that the man was trying to fight the pain.

They gave him the cure to the poison and the man sighed with relief.

But then, they stabbed the man in the stomach. Not deep enough to cause a fatal wound, but deep enough to let the man collapse in pain.

"That's all for today's torturing. You're lucky that they didn't kill you, Derp."

If possible, the man winced at the pain, coughed up blood, and cringed at the nickname all at the same time while saying, "J-just leave-e my f-friends in the Overw-world a-alone..."

"No promises, Derp."

Then the guard left.

Minecraft---TrappedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ