Shadows, Shadow and Nico. PERSASSY!

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Herobrine's POV

I woke up to a scream.

I jumped up instantly and felt around for my sword.

When I arrived, the others were already there, slashing and hacking at the monsters. But one thing that worried me was the number of monsters.

Shadow was held by a half bull half human guy. The hell? What's more, the weapons doesn't seem to be hurting them. Only the magic. And Galaxy's knife, which was weird. When did she have a knife?

Wait, Galaxy's using dual knifes now.

Nah, whatever.

I charge into the battle, hacking at the monsters. One of them turned into golden dust.

This could only mean one thing. The planes are falling apart.

I spotted Notch trying to stop the red code.

"Notch! They are from PJ!" I shouted.

He looked startled and blinked.

"God dam it." He muttered.

"I got this." I winked at Notch. "I, after all, am a glitch."

"We call the others here." Steve rushed over.

"Not now." I said. I summoned myself a bronze sword and a gold knife.

I tossed the gold knife at Steve. "This can kill 'em."

I jumped into the battle, hacking at the monsters code using the knifes and my powers and giving bronze, silver, gold, and black weapons to every ally I meet.

Shadow was now free and is hacking at every monster he meets with a black sword. Galaxy was by his side, slashing with a glowing silver knife mixed with black, bronze and gold.

In her other hand was another knife, but this one was pitch black with little dots of silver, bronze and gold.

I wonder how she got these?

I killed the half-man-half-bull guy who was apparently the Minotaur. I liked to call it the Minitour, the mini Minotaur. Reason? It was worthless.

I moved on to Rainbow Steve and gave him a silver bow and a quiver of black arrows. He flied up next to Boss Steve and shot arrows with extremely accurate accuracy. (Cringe)

We all slashed and hacked and killed off the monsters little by little.

A moment later, the monsters were gone.

From corner of my eye, I saw a figure slink through the shadows.

I ran over and grabbed him.

"Who are you?" I asked when I brought him back to the others.

"Nico." Shadow said.

"Ummm... what?" The boy asked.

"I know you!" Shadow said.

"K." He said.

"Son of Hades." Notch went over. "What are you doing here?"

"War is coming." He said. He turned his gaze to Shadow. "And you, brother, is a son of Hades."

"What in Nether is happening?" Shadow shouted.

"Neeks!" A voice shouted, before Nico could reply. "Come on, Neeks!"

"You come, Seaweed Brain, Pinecone Face!" Nico shouted.

Sophie chuckled. "Neeks?"

"Death Breath."

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