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Galaxy's POV (1st P)

I floated in nothingness.

It felt great.

No worries, no sadness.

Only a calm acceptance and unexplained happiness.

Until I was pulled back to reality.

"Galaxy?" I heard someone ask anxiously. "Are you alright?"


Then my vision became blurry and I blacked out again.

Shadow's POV (3rd P)

Galaxy blacked out again.

When she woke up, she seemed different.

"Galaxy?" Shadow asked.

She didn't say anything. She fired a fireball at him.

"Galaxy!" Sophie screamed, before she was knocked out.

Herobrine walked in the room.

"What's happening?" Shadow asks.

A black fire whizzed around him.

"Herobrine!" He shout. "You're not yourself!"

Herobrine shot a fireball at Shadow. That was the only thing he remembered before he blacked out.

Herobrine's POV (1st P)

I hammered at the wall. That damn Null. How dare he imprison me in my mind!

But I was powerless.

I went down to the dungeons.

"How're my newest prisoners doing?" I ask evilly.

"What did you do to Galaxy?" Shadow asked, battered.

They were in the cell together. Galaxy, Shadow and Sophie.

Galaxy was out cold against the wall. Shadow was standing, holding the wall for support, and Sophie was leaning over Galaxy, checking if she was ok.

"Oh, nothing. Just a small spell." I cackled. "Have fun!"

"Oh, and you guys are chained up. If you haven't noticed. And Galaxy needs extra protection." I flicked my hand and four chains connected to Galaxy appeared. I hung her on the wall and smirked.

"You too, Shadow." I pointed and Shadow flew into the air, unable to move. "You'll be hanging there for a while."

"What about you, Sophie?" I waved and her hands were covered in shackles.

"If any of you use magic you get a nasty shock."

I teleported away.

Shadow's POV (1st P)

I struggled against the chains and accidentally used magic.

I was electrocuted and I fell limp.

Just then, Galaxy stirred.

An alarm blared and she looked around. Instinctively, she tried to use magic to get out and she fell limp and drooped her head.

Galaxy's POV (1st P)

I had pretty much given up.

Herobrine was under a spell, I think, and we were chained up.

I struggled against my binds and it added a magical wall. It separated me from my friends. The chains fell away but I didn't have any energy left to even move.

I fell to the floor. My friends started hammering the wall between us. At least, tried to. They shouted something but I couldn't hear. The box was draining my energy.

"Herobrine." I whispered. "Wake up. I beg you."

He appeared and held a knife to my throat. My friends watched, astonished, as I didn't struggle and he stabbed it inside me.

He fell to the ground and didn't move. So did I.

The wall separating us disappeared, so did the chains.

Herobrine twitched. He managed to stand up and held the knife to my neck.

"If you move, she dies."

Shadow's POV (1st P)

I saw Galaxy, limp and lifeless.

I saw Herobrine, standing up.

I felt myself fall and the chains break.

I heard Herobrine say, "If you move, she dies."

With an energy I've never known I have, I  rushed over and summoned dark energy to blast him.

He fell to the ground and I rushed over to Galaxy.

"We need to get out."

Herobrine's POV (1st P)

I woke up.

Galaxy was next to me.

I knelt by her side and touched her forehead.

Sophie ran and knocked my hand away. She pushed me.

I fell to the ground, my eyes dim.

"Let me go." I say. "If my eyes get too dim, I die."

"Why should we care?" Sophie growled.

"Because I know how to cure Galaxy."

I touched her and she glowed. My eyes got dimmer and dimmer until I fell to the ground in pain.

"What's wrong with him?" I heard Galaxy ask.

"I'm ok. Let me rest." I croaked.

I fell into a blank nothingness.

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