Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, Steve, more Steve

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Entity_404's POV

"Brother." I sobbed.

"Why did you do this?" Herobrine asked sadly. Thunder shook in the distance.

"Herobrine! Stop!" Lick shouted. The traitor!

I watched as Herobrine grabbed him and put a knife by his neck.

"Why, Lick?" Herobrine asked.

"I-i can explain." Lick coughed. "L-let me go!"

Herobrine released his grip and Lick fell to the ground, gripping his neck.

"C-cu-rs-se..." Lick choked. "H-hel-p... h-e-el-p m-me..."

"What curse?" Herobrine bent down.

"O-on-nc-e N-nul-l i-is de-efea-ate-d, I-i..." Lick descended into a coughing fit.

"How do I save you?" Herobrine asked frantically.

"I-i... I d-don-'t k-kno-ow... s-sav-ve m-me..." Lick was clawing at his throat now.

Lick's POV

I was choking. That was the punishment. A curse. Null promised to give me a punishment, and he had.

"How do I save you?" Herobrine asked. We were still brothers, after all.

"I-i... I d-don-'t k-kno-ow... s-sav-ve m-me..." I clawed at my throat as a desperate attempt to breath.

My eyes rolled and the last thing I knew before I fell unconscious is Herobrine shouting for help.

For... Rainbow Steve?

Herobrine's POV

I watched as Lick's eyes rolled and he fell unconscious.

Who could help?

The lores, of course.

Why hadn't I thought of that before.

"Rainbow Steve! Some help over here?" I shouted. The others looked at me like I was crazy.

"Ok... stand back everyone." They shuffled back and I flew up. I put a sign in the clearing, saying, "SUMMON RAINBOW STEVE" and threw fireballs at the four corners.

"How is that going to work?" Shadow asked.

I shot him a look.

A figure spawned.

"You're not Rainbow Steve." I said. "Where is he?"

"You do not recognize me."

"Wait... Boss Steve?! What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I heard help."

"Wait... so you're Boss Steve..." Galaxy asked.

"Wait... where is Star and Fade?" Sophie asked.

Hey, I asked that first! Eihpos' voice echoed.


"Star and Fade can't stay. They have to go back into their world."

"Ohhh... ok... I guess..." Galaxy muttered. The others nodded in agreement.

"I came to help. Rainbow Steve will be here shortly." Boss Steve knelt down next to Lick and put his hand on his forehead. Lick shuddered.

"Hm. He has a curse." Boss Steve said.

"I know! Can you cure him?" I asked.

"This is Null's doing." Boss Steve sighed. "But I will do my best."

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