New Friends

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Galaxy set of in search of new friends.

"I've been walking for almost a week and I found nothing! Well, except for that friendly village over there," muttered Galaxy discouragedly, motioning at the barely visible village, a few days journey back. "I really hope this was worth it."

"I'll set up camp here for the meantime." Galaxy said bluntly. "If I don't find anything worth it, I'll head back towards home."

She decided to explore the area. She walked around and found a hardly noticeable cave embedded in a small mountain.

The cave, weirdly, looked like someone was living inside of it, so Galaxy decided to go exploring.

Galaxy walked into the cave cautiously. The cave looked small from the outside, but when she went in, It was surprisingly huge.

She walked along the path covered with red carpet and found herself in a vast room with one single table and a few chairs surrounding it.

There were some people in the room and all stared when Galaxy entered. Some even drew their swords and Galaxy saw that it was diamond.

"Who are you? And why did you come here?" One of the people asked. She seem like the leader.

"I was just exploring and I found this cave. I don't mean any harm." Galaxy said. "Who are you?"

"Forgive me for not introducing myself. I'm Sanna. And these are Shadow, Crystal and Sophie. Oh, and the shadow-like double next to Sophie is Eihpos. She is her shadow. Literally."

Sophie smiled and waved. Eihpos too. These people seem good enough.

Galaxy introduced herself. "Hi. I'm Galaxy. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Galaxy. Nice name!" Sanna smiled. "Sophie can show you your rooms. Oh, and Eihpos too."

Sophie leaded her to a small room with a double chest.

"This is where you put your stuff. There is an enchanting room just next to your room. Everyone helps themselves here, so no enchanted diamond swords with Fire Aspect 1, Sharpness 4, and Unbreaking 1. Here's the map of this place." Sophie smiled slightly. "My room is just next to yours, so be free to ask me questions anytime. Oh, and you don't need to stay here. But if you leave, I'll come with you."

Galaxy smiled. She has found a friend.

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