Chapter 77: Contagious Insanity

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With Fuller...

Fuller curled his lips in a big grin. Everything was coming to a head. Only one more sibling remained for McDougal and his "children" to find. Wester's little wind-up toy was all but ready, and soon enough, he would have his revenge on the world that killed his parents.

He walked into the office of his "boss" with no small amount of confidence.

Wester had a smug grin plastered on his face. "Welcome, Fuller! I suspect you're here to report more good news..."

"Indeed." Fuller was already ecstatic, so he didn't have to feign a smile this time. "One more sibling remains for them to find. My lab is already being fitted for our little show."

The big man took a deep breath, prepared to endure Wester's grandstanding.

"You seem to really like...keeping things interesting..." Fuller had to search for nice words to use. They were completely out of step with what he was thinking, though.

"I'm already prepping Wester Prime in the hangar. We just need a little more time..."

That worked for him. Though the giant robot Wester referred to was nothing more than a sheer waste of money.

"Do you want me to stall them or something?" Fuller asked.

"No, no. Let Jimmy and his mud dolls stew for a bit. He can think about what he's going to lose before I snatch his life away with his own wife!"

This man needs to die, Fuller thought. He didn't particularly like humans, but even he wasn't the biggest fan of dancing on the graves of his enemies like this.

That said...

"I do have that 'ace in the hole' we talked about..."

The boss rubbed his hands together in greed. "Wonderful. Deliver the vial to me at the time I set. I may need it to even the odds should things get...shaky."

There was a disinterested tone to Fuller's voice as he warned, "No... Don't... That formula is unstable..."

"Revenge on that pathetic, disobedient swine and his litter is going to be so sweet!" Wester gloated, not listening to a word Fuller said.

"Are we done here?"

"Yes. You can go."

"Imbecile," Fuller mumbled.

"What was that?"



Fuller phoned Ana upon leaving the office.

"What?" the woman answered bitterly.

"The plan is falling into place..."

"I don't care."

Fuller found it hard to resist chuckling at that. "Don't care? From what I remember, you had a big stake in this."

The Asian woman growled over the phone. "Listen up, Fuller. I don't like you. The only reason I have anything to do with you is that I dislike tyrants like Wester."

"That aside," Fuller responded, ignoring her anger. "It's almost over, anyway. You get to walk away from all of this soon. Be grateful. You've done a good thing, here..."

"You had me kill my best friend!"

Fuller had a hearty laugh at that. "Wait. You're serious? You seriously...made friends...with a moving corpse like--"

"SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" Ana roared.

Fuller caught himself. "Sorry. Sorry. It's just so funny..."

Ana hung up apparently, because a dial tone prevailed.

Fuller couldn't care less. He would get rid of two nuisances at once and take control of the girl herself. He would use her to end everything before beginning it again for the entire world.

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