Chapter 4: Mischief At Home

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Alex's Point Of View.

As soon as Louis and Louisa left, all hell broke loose. The other boys started interrogating me for more information about Louisa and her and Louis being twins. After I told them everything, they seemed to relax. Zayn, Liam and Niall headed into the kitchen to makesomething to eat. Harry sat next to me on the sofa and pulled me into his arms. I picked up my laptop which was on the table next to me. Harry looked over my shoulder at the screen which had a photo of me and my family on holiday as the wallpaper. I sighed and quickly pulled up Facebook and Twitter.

"Are you okay Alex?" Harry asked.

"I'm fine... It's just... I got kicked out of my family when I was 16. I don't even know what I did wrong. They had just said that they'd had enough of me. They said I didn't belong in their family. They told me they hated me... Then I was out on the streets. Just like that. I lived on the streets for a while before Louisa found me. I hated every moment of every minute of every day. I was close to suicide at the time. When I wake up, it takes me a while to realise I can't go back home. Not anymore." I said, feeling the tears form in my eyes. The pain, the memories, the precious moments all came flooding back to me.

Before I could stop them, the tears came rushing down my face. Harry pulled me closer and started stroking my hair as I cried. I heard the boys walk into the room but I just buried my head deep into Harry's chest so they couldn't see me crying. I felt a hand softly rub my back. I pulled away from Harry to see Niall's hand on my back. I smiled weakly. He smiled back and opened his arms wide. I looked at Harry then hugged Niall tightly.

When I had finally finished crying, I gave the boys a tour of the house. In each room they had a little play fight or joke-athon. I guess they were trying to cheer me up. Either way, it worked. When we went into the garden, they all stopped dead. The garden's plants had just finished blossoming and the plants surrounded a decked area with a pool in the middle. Liam, Zayn and Niall jumped straight in after stripping down to their boxers. Harry stripped to and we stood at the door and laughed. I went back inside and got changed into a bikini. When I re-emerged, Harry picked me up.

"Harry... What are you doing?" I asked, slightly scared.

"The Princess should go for a royal swim!" he laughed cheekily.

"Harry! Put me down now!"

He started walking me towards the pool. Then he ran. I started to scream. We both went tumbling into the water. I quickly swam to the surface. As soon as he emerged, I splashed him.

"You did that on purpose!" I shouted.

All the boys started creasing up. I put my hand to my head as I realised why. My hair had gone completely frizzy and, by looking at my reflection in the water, I noticed my makeup had smudged across my face. Harry pulled me close and smiled.

"Don't need makeup,

To cover up,

Being the way that you are

Is Enough" he sang. Then he kissed me. When we pulled away he said, "You don't need makeup to make you beautiful. You're the most beautiful woman I have ever met."

I smiled back at him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Niall turn away quickly. He got out of the pool and walked back into the kitchen. Zayn and Liam quickly followed him but not after they both said simultaneously, "Let's leave the love birds to it."

As soon as the other boys were indoors, Harry splashed me. I gasped before sending an even bigger splash right back at him. Before he could splash me again, I swam away. He started swimming after me until I dived to the bottom of the pool. When I came back to the surface, he'd disappeared. I felt someone grab me and pull me underwater. As I turned underwater, I felt lips press against mine. I smiled as I kissed Harry back. I felt his hand trace down the crescent of my back as I ran my hands through his long cruly hair. After we pulled apart, we both swam back to the surface. He ran his hand down the side of my body, wrapped his arms around my waist as I wrapped mine around his neck and I pulled him back in for a kiss.

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