From Ninjas to Needers

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Louisa's P.O.V

I felt my heart skip millions of beats all at once. Alex was pregnant. As in actually pregnant. With a baby. In her belly. 

She clicked in front of my face a few times and I finally returned to earth from la-la land, her eyes were brimming with tears and I had no clue what to do, in some ways I felt like I should shout at her for being stupid but in others I wanted to hug her, go downstairs and eat ice cream like there was no tomorrow.

I quickly pulled her into a hug and she began crying into me, I stroked her hair and tried making calming noises. I'd never known what it was like to have your daughter tell you she was pregnant and not at all ready to have a baby but I tell you one thing people, this was bloody close enough. 

I had taken Alex in when she was at her life's lowest, I had taught her how to flirt, back-chat and even fight. When I took her in we had both found out that I was oldest and that showed in the way we behaved.. well sometimes.

In some ways looking after her felt like I had adopted someone who had come from a terrible past and it was my job, duty to protect and look after them, putting them first and doing everything possible to make sure they live a good life. 

I felt like I had done that, I helped her get back on her feet, I didnt make her pay rent as she had nothing, I helped her get her job(it took a lot of persuasion from my boss to let me have the time off) I never gave up but now I was at a loose end. I had protected her from everything except the one thing that would change her life forever no matter what she did, pregnancy.

I sat her down and I sat next to her and she leant into me, her crying had stopped but she was still sniffling and in no state whats-so-ever to go downstairs and face Niall, Louis and Harry.

I thought for a moment, how would I get her to ours, I pulled out my phone, continuing to rub her back and say encouraging thoughts to her every now and again. I scanned through my contacts before pressing dial at Zachs, a few rings later and he picked up

Zach - “whats up princess?”

Louisa - “emergency, get here as fast as you can, track the phone, meet you at the back gate.”

Zach - “on it like a car bonnet”

we hung up and I pulled her into another hug, we slowly pulled away and I used my sleeve to dry her tears

“its ok babe, zachs coming and we'll go home and talk everything through, without any of the boys”

she nodded before pausing

“but zachs a boy?”

I paused before winking and smirking

“i wouldnt be too sure”

she stiffled a giggle and I gently brushed away a few more tears smiling sweetly

“theres my Alex”

she smiled weakly at me and I smiled back before standing up and grabbing a pair of converse, I bent down in front of her and helped her slip them on before tying them up for her, when they were down I stood up and offered her my hand, she took it and stood up taking a few deep breaths before nodding at me

“lets go”

I smiled and nodded before picking up her test and the box, I shoved them in my pocket and she stared at me confused.

“you'll thank me now that the boys cant find it”

she nodded slowly before I walked over to the window and unclipped it, I pushed it open and could just see the back gate, I turned to Alex

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