Bye Bye Finn

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 Louis's P.O.V

The day passed and soon it was night time and Louisa still hadn't returned, I began pacing around the room running my fingers through my hair, I went over to the window and saw it begun to rain, more and more panic flowed through me, what if she's been attacked like she was going to be the other day before Finn saved her. Finn had saved her. Without Finn I would have probably lost my sister forever. Without Finn I woul-

I shook myself, why did I keep thinking about Finn all the time, I paused and then it clicked in me, she was with him.

I rushed to the door and slipped on some shoes, I ran about and found a hoodie, pulling it on and the hood up I rushed downstairs and ran out the hotel, I began running through the streets, not caring that I was getting soaked in the process, I know he had saved her but something about him didn't click in me, something that made me want to protect Louisa more than ever before, like he'd hurt her.

After about half an hour of running I got slightly puffed out, I began walking slowly, the rain was still hitting hard and I had to keep flicking my hair out of the way, I looked about slowly recognising where I was, I turned a few more corners and I was soon standing outside their house.

I walked up to the door and slowly reached up and knocked, a few seconds later the door opened and Jack stood there, his face turned from smiling to guilt.

He sighed before nodding and moving out of the way slightly, opening the door for me to come through, I walked in slowly and flicked my hair about even more, he shut the door and we faced each other, we both knew what our twins had done and he knew that I was not happy about it, really not happy.

I looked down before back up at him

“I'm taking her home tonight”

He looked at me confused

“I thought you were here for longer?”

I nodded slowly

“We were until she met your twin.”

Jack tensed up slightly

“There's nothing wrong with my twin, yours is the one that couldn't look after herself.”

I felt myself tense up as we both glared at each other

“She can. Just not when she's got this sex-driven cock sending her down the wrong path in life.”

I saw fire burning in his eyes and I could tell he wasn't liking the way I was talking about Finn but in all honesty I hated hearing the way he talked about Louisa. No-one does that and gets away with it.

Louisa's P.O.V

I looked at Finn, his face showed the same amount of worry, we had been leaning over the banister listening in to Jack and Louis' conversation that sounded like they were about to beat the living daylights out of each other, I sighed and leant on Finn's shoulder, he looped his arm around me and gave me a kiss on the forehead, I didn't want to go home now, I wanted to stay here and be with Finn, my Finn.

I sighed before going down on the first step, Finn quickly grabbed my hand, I turned to face him, worry and panic all over his face

“What are you doing? He'll take you away”

I nodded slowly, realising that no matter what I did me and Finn just couldn't last.

“Stopping them from killing each other”

Sadness waved over his face

“But that means you have to go home”

I nodded slowly and we both looked down, Finn took a deep breath and lifted my head with his hand before gentle caressing my cheek, I leant into his hand and sighed, I looked up at him

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