let's go see a bull fight at las ventas bull ring

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Louisa's P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes, sunlight was seeping into the room as I reached over and checked my phone, it was 8:48am. I groaned and fell back, my mind refreshed itself on last nights events, how Finn had saved me from getting attacked and god knows what else, how we slowly leant in for an amazing kiss, how we took it upstairs and clothes just seemed to disappear, how my idiot of a brother burst in and stopped me from spending a wonderful night with him.. I groaned, I loved Louis to death and I couldnt be happier now we're together again but he really knew how to piss me off.

I pulled myself out of bed and wandered over to my wardrobe, I pulled out a pair of dark blue hotpants, maroon halter top and my underwear. I headed over to the bathroom and turned on the shower before getting ready for whatever the day had to offer.

When I was finally done I out my stuff in my bedroom before going into the lounge where Louis was sitting on the sofa groaning. I sighed before walking over to him and looking down at him

"you hungry?".

He looked up at me, probably confused at why I wasn't shouting or swearing at him.

"your not going to swear or shout at me?"

I chuckled before shaking my head slightly

"not yet even though I'm so pissed off with you"

He nodded and looked down before getting up

"well you can order breakfast whilst I get sorted then we can go out"

I nodded slowly, he went to give me a hug but I stepped back and went over to the phone, I heard him sigh before saw him walk off into his room.

I picked up the phone and ordered us a load of stuff for breakfast.

Louis was soon ready and breakfast was soon here, we both sat down at the table and began eating. It was silent and very very awkward

"so are you going to tell me why you were kissing him yesterday?"

I looked up at him, he really had to bring up that didn't he.

"so are you going to tell me why you stopped me from kissing him yesterday?"

He turned stern and I did the same, here comes another argument

"because you've only just met the guy perhaps!"

"well he was sweet and genuine and your not in control of me Louis"

"well your my responsibility while we're away!"

"I'm not a child anymore!"

"I didn't say that!"

"you didn't need to Louis!" I stormed off to the front door, I slipped on a pair of espadrilles before opening the door and turning to louis

"your actions said it for you."

And with that I walked out, closing the door. I went off and found myself walking along the streets soon. I pulled my phone out from my pocket and saw I had a new message

Finn - your bro don't like me :P but I was wondering if you'd be brave enough to come out with me today? Only if you want to though? Xxx

I paused before clicking reply

Louisa - stuff him! :P but ok, where and when?? Xxx

He replied instantly

Finn - Las Ventas Bull Ring. Now. ;) xxx

I smiled and quickly sent him a message back

Louisa - done. Xxx

I quickly hailed a taxi and I was soon on my way to the bull ring, once I got there I paid the driver and jumped out, I headed to the entrance and saw Finn standing there smiling at me. He was wearing a vest top, shorts and flip-flops. I was greeted with a hug and a kiss on the cheek, I smiled and reached up on my tip-toes and planted a small kiss on the lips, I pulled away and he smiled at me before winking and giving me another kiss.

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