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I walked around making sure everything was in order. The show (opener) began at 7:40 and it was now 7:35.

I'm the merch manager and I'm doing great on the sales part. These kids just have money to spend it's mind blowing.

I heard some of the girls talking about that new kid on tour, Paris. I haven't met him but he's supposed to be really damn good.

These girls came dress to impress. Groupies. No respect.

The booth closed at 7:40, so I told my workers to wrap it up. All I had to do was collect the money.

I took the money box and made my way to the buses which were always so damn far away.

I made my way to the back and saw a tall ass guy, in all black, trying to shake off his nerves. This must be Paris. Dots connected.

He looked up at me and just stared. Not even a "hi" or anything and I did the same.

I'm the most stand offish person you will ever lay eyes on. So, I must been coming off like a bigger bitch than I intend.  Poor guy, who's already nervous.

I don't know why but my eyes locked on his lips for a while before looking at the floor again.... They were nice.

I swear it felt like a lifetime walking through that hall.

What a dick right. And what a bitch i am. Shit Cameron you suck at being normal.
Once I secured the bag I needed to make sure the merch ended up where it should've.

I got this job because I'm real tight with Austin. I stood up for him at that breakfast club interview a long time ago and he's always kept me close.

When I told him I turned 18 and was about to graduate he offered me this job. He knows how much I hate being home so that was really thoughtful of him.

Once I confirmed everything was in line, I still had to do some paper work.

"What's up cam, want a beer?" Post asked handing it to me before I could answer. I was now in my bus in the couch. Austin must be lost.

"No man I don't drink."

"You coming to the after party, you always play some good ass throwbacks."

"I'll see." How can i say no to post.

"No can you have to go nuts the first night here come on." I pulled my lips into a tight smile trying my best to say no but I couldn't.

"Yeah fine I'll be there."

"Fuck yeah!" He yelled jumping out of the bus.

1 hour later.

Finally I was done handling the sales. For fuck sake.

I walked out and the sun had disappeared and the stars consumed the sky.

Oregon was really pretty. Good weather. I'd move here.

I'm from az so I'm one to appreciate good weather.

"You always have some dumb shit to bring up. Can't you just be happy for me, damn."

I didn't mean to ease drop but it's not like I could turn my ears off whenever I wanted to.

A heated Paris turned a corner and bumped my shoulder pretty hard. I caught myself on the side of a bus and gave him a quick look.

"Shit my bad." He said but I kept on moving.

I decided to hang out in one of the small rooms provided at the venue and I blasted music on my laptop until the party started.

I'm really reserved. I hate hanging out with people and  entertaining them. That's not really for me. Some people can handle attention but I'm not one of them.

I wanted to make hanging out in little room like this a habit for the rest of the tour. It's a ritual: being by my lonely.

I walked out when I knew post was finished performing and I could heard the party already started.

The party was so big it was pouring to the outside. Sticky girls were all over the place letting the guys know they were up for grabs and the guys trying their hardest to impress.

I cringed to myself at the respect they didn't have for themselves but who am I to judge a bunch of insecure adult children. Ha ha.

I pushed my way inside and found post getting ready to chug a good old bud light because what else would he be doing.

Every time he chugs beer it looks like he's sucking dick. But I keep that to myself.

He stood up and spotted me and I threw him a smile.

"Cameron I'm so glad you made it." He was so drunk already I laughed.

"Here have you met Paris." He looked at Paris then back at me with that big smile.

Why am I being so awkward right now.

"Cameron." I greeted and he smiled.

"Paris." He extended his hand and this might not seem like a big deal, he put my hand under his showing he was the dominant.


I laughed along with the guys as they pulling up old picture of post and talked shit.

They were now playing beer pong and I had no idea how to play so I would just react.

I happened to look at Paris for a moment and noticed the frown plastered on his face. Must have been because of earlier. Some girl drama maybe? Perhaps?

He looks hot when he's serious. Which is rare.

He closed his eyes and downed some patron.

"Dude how haven't you gotten alcohol poisoning?" Asked some chick. She was right post drank non stop.

"Yeah your like ozzy." I said then took a sip of my coke.


"Yeah. Something was wrong with his genes so he could get super fucked up and he'd be good. That's why he got kicked out of Black Sabbath. He could party " Everyone stared at me like I appeared out of no where or something.

"Yeah I heard about that." Paris spoke unexpectedly. I looked at him and him at me and I felt like everyone disappeared.

"That's fucking cool. I should get my genes check." Austin laughed and I snapped my eyes in his direction. I gave a slight smile.

the night kept rolling and I decided to head back.

Good first day in my opinion. I closed my eyes and confused myself as Paris was the last thing to occupy my mind.

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