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It was 1 in the morning when a notification woke me up.

"Prodbyparis started following you"

Of coarse I smiled from ear to ear. I followed back and clicked on the direct message thing.

me: I bet you're drunk

paris: isn't it way past your bed time

me: yeah so what

paris: if the buses weren't moving right now I'd go over there and teach you a lesson 😈

give me your number I don't use instagram

paris: damn buy me dinner first

He gave me his number

me: so dinner ?

paris: are you asking me out on a date

me: I'm asking you to come eat pizza with me

paris: down

I feel asleep after reading that text.

I arose and my phone was blown up. Mostly with texts from paris. But there was also some random person on Instagram. I got a shit ton of followers too so I'll have to make my account private.

I opened Paris' texts first.

2:19 am
Sweet dreams
Watch the sun rise with me sometime
Maybe ?

I'm really not a lovey dovey kind of person but my heart actually melted reading the fourth one. He's so sweet.

6:27 am

I then opened Instagram and made my account private.

I woke up feeling super productive today.

Maybe I should put my team take over so I can spend the day with Paris. I'll call it "testing their abilities."

From my reasonable expectations Paris would be up by 11 so I need to slave away until then.


My phone vibrated in my hand and I nearly dropped it trying to answer it.

I rolled my eyes and contemplated answering, as it wasn't Paris calling.

Unknown number, why not?

"Hello." I sounded less amused that I meant to.

"Is this Cameron?"

"Who's asking." It didn't sound like a sales person but I had time to entertain myself.

"Is this Cameron or not." The girls impatiences surprised me. I quickly gathered my bearing and sorted a response.

I was curious and wanted this call to continue. "Yes..... it is."

"I'll make this quick I'm dating Daniel." My eyes were at the back of my skull and I pulled the phone away to hang up but she said to bear with her.

"I've been dating him for the past two years and i heard he was with you too. I just wanted to let you know. I already left him I got your number from his phone yesterday and thought I'd let you know."

I didn't know what to feel.

"Thank you for telling me." We said out goodbyes and I was left to sort out my emotions.

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