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I have 7 noticeable, red scars on my body. 7 big unacceptable scars! Do you know what this means? I can show up to NY like this and embarrass Stacy, waste her fathers time.

Fuck had I known I'd be considered for Balmain I wouldn't have engaged in physical fights. Well in my defense I had no intention in having fights, but that beer bottle incident was my fault.

Oh wait, that's not it, I still have a black eye. It's more of a light purple now but it's a black eye. Also unacceptable.

How do I back out of this ? I can't-I don't think I can handle the embarrassment to even speak to Stacy about this but it must be done.

"Oh no! You've been crying. Come here." Stacy held my head to her chest and I regrouped my emotions quickly to end this affection .

"I need to talk to you about New York Stacy ." "What is it Cameron? Are you anxious, or scared New York isn't all that is you ask—"

"—No it's not that. I forgot about these." I lifted my shirt showing her the formerly stitched cuts, turned scars. I sighed heavily as she looked at them briefly.

I'm sorry Stacy.

She gasped and reached or for them. Her cold fingers tracing the random, lifted skin.

"There from all the fights I've had recently or me just being fucking high." She continued to study my wounds, her reactions making me more and more upset. They're pretty bad.

"Well what are you worried about?" She asked.

What am I worried about? Is she joking?
I look at her face while she deadpans me. She's not joking.

"Stacy, scars don't look good on a runway or photos. I can't go down to New York and embarrass you like this. You vouched for me and I'm covered in imperfections. I can't go."

"They have people who will make you perfect and when I say perfect I mean it. Even if your scarring doesn't subside completely they have miracle treatments that will take them away. This isn't something you need to worry about. Trust me Cameron I've been around."  Her words made me think about her experience.

Her dad is the owner of a fashion company so If anybody knows this stuff it's her.

"Are you sure? -you know what, maybe I just need to chill out. Thank you Stacy for everything." I Pat her thigh before i leave. And give her a high little smile.

As I open the door my beautiful boyfriend opens and I let out a yelp. He laughs at my reaction and I notice something in his eyes. Mischief.

"Babe... come with me. You have to meet someone." He intertwined our fingers and I look down at what I dare to call an outfit.

"Meet!? I have to change first I look horrible." He scans my body and smiles. "You look great." No I don't but he's got my hand with a death grip and now I'm going to meet whoever looking like a wreck.

But the again who's that important that I have to dress up for, apart from Paris, and maybe if I ever met Elon Musk.

"Cameron this is Ruby and Scrim, I'm sure you're familiar. Guys this is Cameron." Why does the devil like humiliating me.

I look down at what I'm wearing and not only did I lose my faith in god, I developed deep resentment towards him.

"What's up Cam?" Scrim greets in his all too familiar deep voice. The Louisiana accent soaking his vocabulary.

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