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This beating was worse than the first. My face is broken I'm sure of it. Daniel rocked my shit, no cap.

Domestic abuse isn't a joke but this is how I cope.

I could hear Paris and Stacy talking in the kitchen, I'm guessing and that made me smile. I want to be with Paris today.

I threw my legs out the bunk feeling the pain in my torso as I sat up. As much as I wanted to get done today, my body was just terrible beat up.

I let out a grunt as I stood up and looking towards the noise. 21 and his friends were here. Along with the SBE guys and post.

"Cameron how you doing?" 21 was the first to see me. I gave him a thumbs up then tried my best to walk normally.

"Hey we know you wanna be alone so we came to drop this off." Post handed me a little box. "It's from all of us." Smiled 21. They all got up and left me with paris.

I opened the box and I said my final Thank you'd and laughed once I saw them. They're a bunch of edibles.

"Wanna share one?" I asked Paris showing him the contents and he also laughed. "Yeah sure." We spilt it and drank it down with some water.

I don't know if he's ever had an edible but we took was too much and we're about to go into another realm. I can't wait.

2hrs 28 minutes later

I went to go change the song and I fell back onto the couch. My heart was beating a hundred miles a minute and I felt like I fell from a 50 story building.

I'm high as fuck.

I noticed the sun shinning through the curtains and thought if it's beauty for a sold 5 minutes.

"Babe you good. You been staring at that table for a while now." His voice was so beautiful. Before I could respond King Crimson's mood child began to play making the guitar ripple through me.

I crawled on the coach, went over to my man and kiss him ever so tenderly. I enjoyed his thick bottom lip and even indulged in his top lip which is highly underrated. I love feeling his stubble graze my skin.

Paris pulled away mid kiss leaving me hanging with my eyes closed. He seemed to have fallen inside his head. The edible hit him finally. I hope he doesn't trip.

His fingers grazed his lips as he looked back me. "You taste like blood." I totally forgot my lips were busted. I tongued the inside of my mouth, unintentionally opening healing wounds.

I looked back to the door and checked to see if it was locked.

"Should I be sorry?"

"Not even close." I guess it was cloudy outside because the bus dimmed and Paris completely changed.

His eyes were completely black, only a white dot which was a reflection. His eyes showed me hell, and I couldn't look away.

This unexplainable fear strikes me through the middle.

He can kill me, he seems to want to.

I accidentally changed the song and the static to beware by deftones began and his eyes locked on my throat.

I gulped only making him smirk. I laid back on my elbows and slowly moved away from him. My actions seemed to entertain him. I felt like prey and his gaze remained confident.

He followed me back, slowly climbing as I became smaller and smaller. My head reached the arm rest making me come to an abrupt stop.

Paris hovered above me, my eyes remained in the gleam in his black eyes as his hair began falling to either side of his head.

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