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The music totally distracted me. I mixed my meds with drinks I didn't pay for.

We're in Vegas, in a casino, 1 in the morning.

See I came here to talk to Paris. Sort shit out but I haven't seen him and my tunnel vision is becoming more difficult to cope with.

I'm sick of this. Searching aimlessly. I pull out my phone and go to his contact. If I can't go to him he can come to me.

I press the call button and he answered fast.

"Hey! where you at?" I pressed it up real close to my head and looked for the nearest exit.

"I'm in my bus." My eyebrows knitted. "At the bus? You mean your not at the casino?"

"No I'm in my bus. Who are you with?" I scanned the crowd searching for a familiar face but this vision, this liquor got the best of me.

"Yeah, I can't find anyone. But I came with 21 and his friends. I thought you'd be here."

"Oh you with 20? Yeah there's no way he's leave you by yourself. Look around you is he there?" Again I checked my surroundings.

"No Paris I'm not in the same place I came through. I'm surround by strangers. It's okay though. I just wanted to apologize."

"I'm on my way for you. What's it called again."

"It's the MGM. I'll be outside."

It's pretty cold out for a summer night. It was raining earlier in the day and the wind was the only thing that lingered.

I managed to stumble outside to avoid more problems with Paris. It would suck if he had to go inside and find me in a group of people.

But like I said earlier I'm more than drunk at the moment and I'd like to indulge in spontaneous fun. If only I could see straight let alone walk straight.

Is that? Paris? Walking down the street, hands in pockets, eyes low?

A sudden burst of bubbles explode in my chest and I just want to run into his arms and have him spin me around but I'm going to keep it cool and just met up.

"Were you asleep?" I ask. His face is a bit puffy but he's looking good. Wearing a stripped Mickey Mouse shirt. He silently shook his head and we start walking down the streets.

"Who knew it be so quiet in Vegas?" The streets were mostly vacant, the sparse population made up of homeless people and us.

"You good girl? How was the casino?" He questions make me smile. He's being nice which reminds me, "Hey I'm sorry about yesterday. I was high and in pain. I don't know what he fuck I was saying. So I apologize." I look into his eyes to let him know how much I take it all back. The look down at uncomfortable heels.

"As for the casino i lost $20 and only made up $7." He lightens up at my experience. "Yeah I suck at gambling. Im not a mastermind like you." I kid.

We walked a while more, thinking while we gave each other a comfortable silence.

He hasn't said anything about my apology yet but he is holding my hand so I think he just needs time.

"How about I buy you a milkshake. You want a milkshake?"

"I'd love one." I smile and we go into this 24hr restaurant.

I order my strawberry and he his banana milkshake.

I start with his hands.
Never have I ever seen them without rings or chipped nail polish. And for gods sake the size of his hands. He can cover my entire face with his fingers. Scary. And I've been privileged enough to have those around my neck and in my mouth. 

4 UOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora