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I woke up with a big ass head ache and glimpses of what was last night.

Patron really fucked with my head because I can't remember shit. I really need to slow down. I'll take it easy today.

I laid in the bunk trying to remember what happened yesterday. I got a good feeling about it but I don't know why.

I opened up my phone and a picture of that girl Cameron popped up.

What the fuck. She was sitting beside me laughing. She looked really pretty I must've been with her. I really don't remember.

. It was 5 pm and I was on in 2 hours. It's crazy how quickly things happen. It's surreal. But I believe in fate so.

I grabbed a bud light and went to go find some food to eat.

I was with Tyler in the back rooms. "$200 dollar chokeslap?" He said to some kid. I couldn't help but laugh my ass off. The kid agreed and I whipped out my phone.

"I'm recording." I yelled before the kid broke the damn table.

We were definitely going to get shit for this but who cares.

I walked out into the hallway to hear the video better and I just kept laughing.

I looked up and saw Cameron holding my jacket I didn't even know I lost.

"Hey Paris you forgot this yesterday." She handed me my jacket.

"Thanks cam I didn't even know what happened yesterday." She looked disappointed but only for a second before smiling.

"Yeah I bet how's your head?"

"Good I'm taking some medicine." I held up the beer.

She reached for my head and applied some pressure to the back of it which made me flinch. That shit hurt.

"You hit your head pretty hard yesterday."

"Guess it did." I reached for it and there was a decent bump.

"I'll catch you later yeah?" She walked away before I could reply.

She's really damn hot.

I wish I could remember what happened. I'm pretty sure we didn't hook up because she'd be all over me.

I looked down at my phone thinking I'd see a text from my ex but there was nothing. I guess she finally got her shit together and moved on. Good for her.


I knew he wouldn't remember yesterday so why is it eating at me?

Fuck that. I called Daniel. My boyfriend.

For god sake I keep forgetting about him.

"Hey babe sorry about yesterday. This kid drank too much and hit his head pretty hard. I had to help."

"Why didn't you call me back after you helped?" He was always so suspicious of me. But I guess now he had a right. I wanted Paris.

"Because I was tired and slept right after." There was a long pause and I was growing irritated.

"Why is there a problem." He took a deep breath.

"No I was just worried. That's all. I miss you. You know."

"Yeah me too. I'll see you when we arrive in Arizona. In a couple of weeks okay. I'll talk to you later." I hung up and threw myself in the bunk hitting my head pretty hard.

"A la verga." I yelled.

Paris has been on my mind too much lately that I'm starting to feel like I'm betraying Daniel.

It obviously isn't normal to think more about Paris than Daniel. So I'll keep my distance from Paris because I don't think I'll want to control myself around him anymore.

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