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I wake up still feeling stupid. The whole 'Paris dream/ hallucination thing' I kept pestering him about. I'm embarrassed by it.

I mean did I really think he was a vampire. There is no way, not in this world. And the whole thing with his eyes- I'm delusional. Also the bite mark I thought he left completely vanished.

The 'memory' is becoming more and more vague, the more painkillers I take for my concussion.

I want water.

Stacy said to call her over for my every need but I hate feeling so... useless? I don't know I just rather do things for myself, as small as they may seem.

The opioids the doc prescribed me contained a considerable amount of morphine in it so you can only imagine how I barely comprehend things, being so high.

That's why I didn't understand a single remark Stacy made, nor did I care. I, at the moment, am simply: incapable.

She kept trying to push me down on the coach saying words that didn't register and I mumbled back an argument.

I was going to do shit for myself.


"Cam! Stay still!!!" I heard a high pitched voice plead from inside the bus. I quickly opened the door revealing a very interesting scene.

Stacy and Cameron were both down on the floor. Cameron was trying to crawl away, towards the kitchen as Stacy tried dragged her by the ankles.

"Should I ask?"

"Don't just stand there, help me! She's supposed to be resting."

"Fuck nooo!" Slurred Cam. Or at least I think that's what she said.

I stood over cams body as Stacy caught her breath on the couch. I picked her up careful not to jerk her in any way. "Okay cowgirl, settle down."

Taking her back to her bunk she began to protest. Against what, I don't know.

"Baby I don't know what your saying." She rolled her eyes, frustrated. She pointed at her bunk then shook her head no. "You don't want to go to bed." She shook her head even more which concerned me because the pretty girl did have a concussion.

"Okay girl I won't lay you down." I looked behind me. "We'll chill on this seat." I sat down with her on top of me. I support her head with my arm attempting not to make things painful for her.

I looked into her black eyes and she wasn't there. Her stare was blank, her pupils dilated.

"She's high as a kite. The doctor gave her some strong ass pills. she's still put up one hell of a fight." Stacy spoke. I shrugged in response. "At least she's not in pain."

I looked down to her lips which were chapped. Never seen them this way. "Hey can you get her some water."

Stacy came back with a glass and I carefully gave it to Cameron. She's like a baby.

Maybe I should sing to her. She's always wanted me to but I've never had the chance.

"Eyes like a car crash, I know I shouldn't look but I can't turn away." Her beautiful eyes twinkled with recognition. "Body like a wipe lash/ salt my wounds but I can't heal the way I feel about you..." she joined knowingly as we continued to the chorus "I watch you like a hawk, i watch you like I'm gonna tear you limb from limb. Will the hunger ever stop? Can't we simply starve this sin? That little kiss you stole it held my heart and soul and like a deer in the head lights I meet my fate..." it was like every note she let out held my heart. She's the one, I don't care how many time I've said or have to say it. I'm never letting her go.

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