Parker // nightmares

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"The dreams get worse each night peter" "did you tell your dad or tony?" "Yes I told them. They said it's just nightmares and it's nothing to worry about. But it's been happening every night for the pass three weeks" "oh darling" he hugs me. "Well I'll be here with you all night. So you'll be fine" "thanks babe" he gives me a kiss. You and peter start to get tired so you go to bed. About two hours later you get the nightmare. You start punching and kicking like you were in a real fight and that wakes up peter. Then you start saying "peter, peter no" over and over again. "Babe?" He shakes you "Y/N? I'm right here. I'm fine" after about five minutes Peter finally wakes you up. "Peter?" You say crying and throwing yourself into his arms. "What just happened?" "I told you the nightmare seem so real and like there going to happen" "oh baby I'm sorry. But why were you screaming my name?" "Because... each night... it's a new nightmare about you getting hurt and the villain like throws me or something and I can't get to you in time and they hurt you" "oh Y/N" you start crying and he brings up into his arms. "Everything will be okay. Okay?" "Okay" tony and Dad walks in. "Why is she crying? Is she okay?" Dad said. "Yes captain she's fine now she had one of those nightmares again" "oh okay" "hey do you think.. Y/N could possibly move in with me for a few weeks and see if she gets better there?" Tony and Dad look at each other and talk. "Steve, he's a great kid" "I know he his but being away from Y/N. I don't know if I can do it" "she'll be back. It's just at night she won't be here. And maybe being with peter at his house will stop the nightmares" "true.." "so?" They turned around. "Yes she can stay with you. Just do you promise to take care of here and be with her 24/7?" "Yes sir" "Okay then she can stay with you" "thank you" "no problem". You stay with Peter for about at mouth and Slowly the nightmares goes away.

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