The Readers Words

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(Sofia pov)

I walked out of my psychic readers door. Yes, I'm one of those types. I always have been into astrology and once I saw how much it intertwines with the practices of psychic readings, I began getting into them also. I don't go daily or anything crazy. I usually go once a week, twice if things get a bit wild in life. So far everything I've heard has either happened or happens after she tells me about it. Good, bad and the ugly.

Lately I've been feeling useless. As if I don't know what to do with myself or what my life's purpose is. This isn't a usual thing so I came to talk to Angel. She said my purpose is to guide, and that in my last life I was rebellious because no one listened to the lessons I tried to teach. So here I am again, trying to guide people, being the wise one as always. She also said my purpose is to find my twin flame which is basically another way to say soul mate, and go around being entrepreneurs and helping people. Well, I'm single as hell and every man I've been with broke up with me because I'm "too independent" and won't let them ever do anything for me. It's a habit, it's how I was raised, either they deal with it or leave. Every time, they've chosen to leave.

I sat in my car for a minute before looking at the time on my phone. Lunch is almost over, I need to get back. I got back on the road heading towards my job ready to finish the last day of school before summer break.

I'm a second grade teacher and thank God, my students are angels. I have pizza coming to the class later so I told the kids to only eat a little and since it's so hot, instead of recess, we could stay inside, I'd pull out the big blanket and we'd watch movies.

What they don't know is that I have ice cream and cupcakes too. Their parents are going to enjoy they're kids today, all this sugar I've been giving them. My little babies are gonna freak out when they see it.

I walked into the cafeteria and saw one of my students, Demarcus, wave me over to our table. I smiled and sat beside him. "You guys didn't eat too much did you?" I asked. They all shook their heads and countless "no's" filled my ears.

"Ok then, stand up, throw your trash away and line up at the door. Ryan up front, Skylar, you miss lady will be our caboose." I said standing up. I watched the small children do as I said and soon my entire class was at the door.

"Psssttt." I heard from behind me. Before I could look, Skylar squealed, however never left her place in line. "Keith!" She said. A tall man walked over to her and hugged her tightly. "Hey mamas." He said before kissing her cheek.

He stood up straight and turned to me. "I'm Keith Powers, Skylar's big brother. You must be miss Haven. She's always talking about you." He said holding out his hand. I shook it as I smiled, "Nice to meet you, she talks a lot about you too." I said looking at the small girl as she smiled.

"I hope you don't mind if I spend tbe rest of the day with her in your class." He said. I shook my head, "Not at all, it's completely fine." He smiled and followed us to the classroom. I unlocked the door and the kids all walked to their seats.

"Mr. Powers, you can sit anywhere." I said turning the air down a bit. "Just call me Keith." He said showing off a perfect smile. I nodded, "So do you guys want to wait until the pizza gets here to watch movies or do you want to start now?" I asked as I stood at the front of the class. They all began yelling what they wanted to do and I instantly regretted not doing a vote first.

"Ok ok ok, shhhhh." I said with my finger over my lips. One by one the kids placed a finger over their lips and hushed. "I need a show of hands, raise your hands if you want to wait." I asked. I counted the hands that flew up in the air. "Ok, raise your hand if you want to start now." I counted those hands before moving my finger.

"So we'll wait. Do you guys wanna dance while we wait?" I asked as I grabbed the remote to the promethian board, turning it on. "Yes!" They all shouted. I laughed already knowing they'd say that. I walked back to my desk and went to youtube on my laptop.

I typed in I like it by cardi b and instructed the kids to move their tables and chairs so we could dance freely. "Hmmm, Hailey, move that chair by the closet." I said. I waited until she did before pressing play.

I came from behind my desk and danced with my babies. We were all having fun and being carefree,  which is something I'm big on when it came to being in my class. The song changed to The electric slide and we all danced along with it.

As I turned, I bumped into Keith. We both laughed and excused ourselves. Soon it changed again and immediately the kids yelled, "WE'RE GONNA GET FUNKY!" I laughed knowing it was the cha cha slide.

(Keith's pov)

I watched as Skylar's teacher danced with her students. "Everybody clap your hands!" She yelled. I think this is the only thing I miss about school. The cha cha slide is damn near a right of passage. If you didn't do it at least four times the whole time you were in school, then you didn't have a fun childhood.

The woman is beautiful as hell. Her skin glowed as her hair danced around on her head. She had her hair in two puffs similar to how my mom usually does Skylar's hair. Skylar ran up to her teacher and grabbed ber hand while dancing.

I didn't even notice I stopped dancing until Skylar slapped my back. I glared down at her as she mugged me. "Why you do that?" I asked. "You were staring. Mama said it isn't nice to stare so stop." She said before going to dance with her teacher.

Two more songs played before she instructed the students to get out their pillows. She went into her closet and I saw her struggle to get her big blanket down. I walked into the confined space and reached over her grabbing it for her. "Thank you Keith." She said with as a small smile played on her lips. I caught myself staring again before shaking out of it and backing up so she could get out. "No problem." I said as my eyes followed her every move. Her mother should have named her beauty or something cause she's a eye catcher.


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