i. execute.

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AZA WALKED QUICKLY behind the guards, internally cursing herself for getting caught, knowing it was amateur steal and anyone could have done it

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AZA WALKED QUICKLY behind the guards, internally cursing herself for getting caught, knowing it was amateur steal and anyone could have done it. She was the best thief besides Robin Hood in all of the realms, she should've been able to steal one of the Queen's many crowns without getting caught. But alas, she was unable, and now here she stands, walking to her death that she knew was to come, for the Queen had never once been generous while dealing out her punishments.

Her plan had fallen apart the second she began acting on it, for she hadn't gotten the times right and had appeared in the Queen's vault just as the guards were coming back from their afternoon tea. They'd seen her the second they walked in and had been quick to lunge at her, pulling her arms behind her back and cuffing them with magic cuffs to prevent the use of her powers. That's where everything had started, and it simply made her annoyed and furious with no one but herself.

But now, as she stands in front of the Queen of Hearts, the woman that would surely send her to her death, the anger was easily directed to the spoiled woman. Aza found herself glaring at the older female, slowly plotting her escape. Seeing as her powers were restricted at the moment, she would have to get herself out of this, or hope for some kind of miracle. Her mind searched for answers, but nothing seemed to come into her brain, leaving her full of regret and despair.

"Look what we have here, the trickster of all tricksters, the sneakiest cat that ever lived, brought down by two of my guards. What happened to the girl with the plan? Did you run out of tricks to pull?" The Queen sneered, daring the young girl to challenge her authority. She and the Queen had been enemies since Aza was merely eleven, when she'd stolen a necklace to trade for a week's worth of food and shelter, safe from the demons that haunted the land. She'd continued to steal to earn her survival. Eventually, she'd become able to fend for herself, and at that point it had become second nature to her, to steal and barter.

A smirk crossed Aza's face as she replied, "I've always got more tricks to play. You'll see." For a moment, something passed through the Queen's eyes, but it had vanished as quickly as it had come.

"But you don't, see, we've got you stuck. You have no powers, you can't vanish your way out of this one. Seems as though your luck has just run out, Aza." She nodded to the guards behind her and they pushed her forward, right into the Queen's grasp. The woman grinned mischievously, "give it up, you've lost. You can't cheat or charm your way out of this, it was inevitable." Aza held the cold glare on her features, refusing to give that woman any more power than she'd already obtained by striking fear into the hearts of the other inhabitants of their realm. The Queen saw this and decided to challenge the girl further, test her patience. "Tell me, Aza, when exactly did you start stealing? Was it when your own mother left you, fleeing to the Enchanted Forest? Or was it when your poor father died, burning in a fire caused by something that still remains unknown? Oh wait, I know, it was when your darling brother, your partner in crime, was caught for his own crimes, and killed by my men."

"If you're looking for a reaction," the girl snapped, "you won't get one. I came to terms with those things long ago, nothing you say can hurt me in any way." Another smirk found it's way across her features and she cheered internally, knowing she was winning this battle. Nonetheless, she was going to be killed, but if she was to die today, then it was her fate, and she couldn't change that. If she died, it was meant to be. And at least she'd die having her words pierce the Queen's skin and mind.

"Well, it matters not, because you won't be around to hear my words much longer." She nodded yet again to the guards, her hair falling over her shoulder as she was letting them know that it was time to kill the young girl that stood ahead of her. The guards disappeared and came back moments later with a long and large sword. Aza still stared ahead confidently, not scared of the consequences for her actions. The guard stood ahead of her, a beaming smile planted on his face, his eyes glowing as he held the sword next to her neck, ready to swing once and chop off her head. The Queen sat on her throne at the front of the room, a mere twenty yards away from Aza and the sword. "Any last words?"

Aza thought long and hard, unable to find anything she wanted to say to the rest of Wonderland. The only people she felt the need to say goodbye to were already gone and dead. She simply shook her head, her eyes showing defiance as she said, "none for you." The Queen rolled her eyes at the young girl that she saw so much of herself in. She pushed aside the thoughts and nodded in confirmation, the guard began to pull back the sword, ready to swing. Aza held her breath and squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for the whole world to go black, but it never did. Her eyes peeled open and she noticed that everyone was staring at a glowing turquoise portal that had opened, its lights distracting everyone from the task at hand.

A tall man in all black stepped through the portal, a hook on his hand while his other held a sword. No one made a move to stop him as he walked over to Aza, a smirk showing on his face, his eyes holding mischief. She already knew she'd like whoever this guy was, for mischief was her specialty. He walked behind the girl, bringing his sword up and slamming it down on the handcuffs that held her hands behind her back. The girl smiled, bringing her hands in front of her, rubbing her wrists gently, a burning sensation engulfing them.

"Are you Aza? The cat?" The man asked, earning a nod. "I see you've gotten yourself into some trouble then. I'm looking for new crew members, and I take it that you're the best thief the realms have to offer. What do you say? Care to become a pirate?" She only just noticed his thick accent, he was definitely a pirate.

"Why not, I do like an adventure. My I ask who you are exact-" she was cut off by the shouting of the Queen.

"Don't just stand there and watch, get them!" This snapped the guards out of their trance and they came charging at the two. Aza watched as Hook engaged in a sword fight with all of the guards, slowly making his way to the portal that had remained open. Once he'd made it their safely, he turned to Aza, his eyes widening.

"Come on!" He shouted, making the teenager roll her eyes. The guards turned to her, but she simply smiled and waved. And in seconds, her smile was the only visible part of her, but that soon vanished, making her completely invisible. She reappeared at the portal, her smile showing up first, followed by the rest of her body. "Impressive." The pirate stated. "I'm Hook, Captain Hook."

"Nice to meet you, and I'm not 'the cat' by the way. I'm the Cheshire Cat." And with that she turned, hopping into the portal and disappearing from everyone's sight, Hook following after, leaving a frustrated and fuming Queen of Hearts.

AN: This is my new Once Upon A Time fanfiction. This chapter was so much fun to write, I can't wait to do the next one.

What do you guys think of Aza being the Cheshire Cat? I think it's cool but please let me know your thoughts.



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