xi. tinkerbell.

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This chapter is dedicated to AnimeEater12


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TO SAY SHE WAS FURIOUS WAS A HUGE understatement. She was livid. She was angry at Peter, Hook, herself. She shouldn't have trusted him so easily. She shouldn't have Hook walk into her life like that and just automatically trust him because he got her out of trouble one time. She trusted him too easily. And now he was gone, leaving her behind to fend for herself like everyone does eventually.

She had no one left and nowhere to go. The only way she could live on this island was with Peter and the boys, for they were the only ones with necessary survival skills. But Aza was good at adapting to new situations and finding a way to navigate the craziness that was Neverland would be a piece of cake. Neverland was nothing compared to Wonderland where they had never ending roads that sometimes twisted upside down with no explanation. The worst thing in Neverland was probably the Dreamshade or the Echo Caves.

Aza had heard of both from Hook, she'd also been warned to not touch the plant because it would mean she'd have to drink from the waterfall. Then she'd be stuck in Neverland for her whole life, forbidden to leave.

As she walked, the girl caught the smell of smoke from a few meters away, a gray cloud of it enveloping her a few moments later. Her eyes widened, a cough leaving her lips as the smoke filled her lungs. She rushed to get out of the smoke's path, waving it away from her with little effort. The ginger stepped out of the trees, a clearing in front of her as she spun.

A small shack or cottage-like structure stood in the middle of the grass, dead leaves surrounding it. The wood looks rotten and as if the small house could collapse at any moment. A small makeshift chimney was spewing smoke, obviously someone lived in the house. The one window Aza could see provided no clues as to who lived there, but she didn't care.

Stepping towards the house, she knocked gently on the door, eyebrows furrowing as she heard a woman's voice shout.

"Since when do you knock, Pan!" Aza was confused by the feminine voice, believing that she was the only female in Neverland at the moment. The boys had been surprised to see her when she was first taken, meaning they weren't accustomed to seeing young girls- or any girls- on their land. Pan's land.

The door swung open, a blonde woman standing in the doorway. She gaped at the red headed teenager in shock before closing the door slightly to cover most of her body. "Who the hell are you?"

"Cheshire." Aza gave her her fake name, a small frown on her face while the blonde looked at her in amusement.

"Did Pan send you?" She accused with narrowed eyes.

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