vii. revelation.

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THE WEEKS THAT FOLLOWED after Baelfire leaving were hard for Hook and Aza

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THE WEEKS THAT FOLLOWED after Baelfire leaving were hard for Hook and Aza. Hook because he had lost the boy that he though of as a son. And Aza because she had lost a boy that she saw as a brother.

The two hadn't talked to each other much in the time. Aza was avoiding him for letting those boys take Bae that easily and not putting up a fight. If she had known that he would give him up that easily, she would've saved him herself. But that was not the case.

Peter hadn't come to talk to her since the night Bae was taken, and she assumed he'd never come back again. She thought he'd left, like everyone else does.

He was only one name to add to her list of people that had left her. Sure he wasn't important to her, he didn't even matter to her. All she knew was his name and that he'd been in her dreams.

But those dreams had revealed more than they should have to both Peter and Aza.

Peter now knew of how Aza's family had all died or left her. He knew that she was a thief and that she couldn't care less about the money. All she cared for was the adventure. He knew that her mother had left her to gain riches and marry a wealthy king, leaving her with the gift to disappear as she did so. He also knew that she never felt loved.

Aza knew that Peter was lonely and had no one to express his feelings to. She knew that he had no family just like her and that he wanted nothing more than power in his life. She knew all these things, and none of them worried her. But what did was that she knew he had a darkness in his heart that would never be filled.

That is what scared her the most.

Neither of them had wanted to see each other. But Peter had almost convinced himself to go to her.

Little did he know, something would go terribly wrong.

Aza sat on a small chair in the corner, her fingers brushing over the jewels and golden coins she'd collected from her heists in the short time she'd a part of the crew.

She only looked up when the door swung open, revealing Hook with a frown etched onto his features. He didn't utter a word as he pulled up a chair, sitting down right in front of Aza.

"Are you still not talking to me?" He asked, Aza merely shrugged and raised an eyebrow in response, still looking at the jewels in her hands. Hook sighed. "I know Baelfire reminded you of your brother in a way, I shouldn't have let him go."

Aza looked at him with a smirk on her face. "I can't believe you caved so quickly." Hook furrowed his brow, "You, Captain Hook, apologizing to me for something that I don't care about?"

"You do care." Was all he said, knowing that she lied. He saw right through the young girl's facade.

"Bae was just another person that left, why should I care? It always happens. You'll leave too, just wait, it'll happen."

"Actually were all leaving, a day from tomorrow. We got passage off the island, remember?" Aza nodded as he walked to the door, "can't have Pan killing us before we get out." He chuckled dryly.

Aza didn't find it humorous. In fact, she found it confusing. "Did you say Pan? As in Peter Pan?" She quizzed, standing up, Hook nodding in response. "Pan is Him?" Another nod.

"Why?" Hook finally said.

Aza shook her head and quickly sat back down while muttering, "nothing." The captain shrugged it off and left the room. Aza was alone with her thoughts racing through her mind.

Peter. Peter is Him? The boy that took Baelfire and controls the Lost Boys?

Her mind was a whirlwind of thoughts, her eyes staring blankly at the wall in front of her. Anyone that hadn't known of her encounters with Peter would have thought she was crazy by the wild expression on her face.

She continued to stare at the same spot, the times she'd spoken with Peter replaying over and over in her mind. He hadn't seemed so awful in person. The dreams were a different story.

In those he had always seemed... odd. As if he was possessed by a demon in his soul. As if the world had done something so cruel to him that he'd had to resort to the crave of power to keep him sane.

Aza was glad she'd chosen a different path than the green eyed boy. She had actually been through some of the worst things a person could. Her mother had left her, her brother and father had been murdered by the same woman.

Rather than dwell on the sadness, she'd chosen to focus on her future, on finding her mother and perhaps starting over with her. She decided to be better than the kids in Wonderland that had been left motherless. They had always travelled in groups, jumping some people and killing others. They would frequently steal, but Aza had learned to steal only what you need, not what you want.

Sadly she'd abandoned the rule a while back. The time she'd been caught by the Queen was the first time she'd stolen something she wanted. All because she wished to sell the crown to buy a new pair of shoes and a months worth of food.

When she'd joined Hook's crew she'd completely left her morals in the dust, and now she only stole for fun and in the hopes that she would find clues to her mother's whereabouts. But alas, she was unable to find a single trace of the woman that had given her the gift of invisibility.

Aza finally snapped out of her trance when a tapping noise sounded at the window. Whirling around to face the porthole, she found Him. Peter Pan. The boy that had taken the closest thing Aza had to family away from her.

She rolled her eyes as he waved and smiled at her, instead of opening it she sat back down in her chair. Peter furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, muttering under his breath.

With one blink, he had teleported into the room and was standing behind the red headed girl. She hadn't taken notice of it, and when he spoke she jumped up and spun around.

"What's wrong?" He asked, tapping her shoulder once before she moved.

She remained silent, walking to the door and opening it before attempting to walk out. Peter was quick however, grabbing her wrist and pulling her back into the room, slamming the door behind her.

"Aza," he searched her eyes for a moment, receiving only a cold stare back. Her eyes held anger and annoyance, making Pan even more confused. "What's wrong?"

She didn't want to talk to him, but she knew she should. He had a right to know why she wasn't going to see him again. She knew they weren't really considered friends because they'd known each other for a short time, but she had almost started to think they were getting there. Now she knew they weren't.

Pan waited in silence for her answer and could see that she was having an internal battle with herself. He raised an eyebrow, prompting her to say something. Anything.

"You took Baelfire." Was all she said, and he knew.

Trouble in paradise? Oh yeah! Lol. This was a lot of fun to write. More chapters soon!

Comment and keep reading!



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