xii. revenge.

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SHE SMILED AT TINKERBELL AS THE FAIRY handed her the small bottle full of a liquid that, at first glance, looked just like water

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SHE SMILED AT TINKERBELL AS THE FAIRY handed her the small bottle full of a liquid that, at first glance, looked just like water. Aza grabbed the container from the blonde woman and opened it, smelling the contents inside. It smelled of strawberries and possibly a kiwi, but Aza knew that it was only masking the real scent of the poison. This was all part of their plan to get revenge on Peter for making Aza miss her chance to get back on the ship with Hook. She didn't want to kill Peter, but she did want to make him feel pain, like a normal person without godly powers would feel. Like Aza felt.

Tinkerbell had been more than willing to held the teenager with her plan, seeing as she knew the forest better than Aza and would find it easier to get ingredients for the liquid they'd produced. It was a type of potion, one that would silence Pan's magic and give him a taste of what he's been missing as an invincible immortal being.

"You sure this will work?" Aza asked for the hundredth time, still cautious about trusting Tinkerbell. Sure, the fairy had given her a place to stay and food to eat for the past two days, but trust didn't come that easily. Especially now. After everyone she ever trusted had left her, including her father figure, Aza was not going to open up to people like that. Hook's trust had been completely ripped from her mind, as if it never existed and all of their time stealing and pulling off heists had been erased from her memory. She almost wished it had.

What bothered Aza more than anything at the time, was that a part of her still had a bit of faith in Peter. A part of her wanted to trust him because she had seen his eyes flash with emotion when she'd accused him of doing what he did. But she also knew that if she trusted him, he would only betray her again. Right? It was in his nature to play games with people's minds and lead them on only to stab them in the back.

Aza and Peter had much in common, whether she admitted it or not. He was alone, just like her. He was a trickster, just like her. He had demons living inside the shadows of his soul, just like her. The only problem was, she didn't want to admit that they were copies of each other, she wanted to hide her knowledge of it. The connection they shared was different. It wasn't love, or hatred, or even a friendship. It was a mutual understanding of the other.

Aza understood the way and the reason why Peter hid his true colors from his Lost Boys and put on a mask when speaking to them as a leader. He used power to compensate for his loneliness, his anger to shadow his sadness, his magic to block out his emotions. It was his nature.

Peter understood the way and reason why Aza tricked everyone into thinking she was hard to figure out. She used her thievery to compensate for her loneliness, her hatred to shadow her easily trusting smile, her music to hide her pain from everyone and keep it locked away for only herself to know about. It was her nature.

"Yes, I'm just as sure now as I was when you asked ten min-" Tink cut herself off, eyes wide as she raced to the single window, looking out of it and into the woods beyond. "He's coming, you have to hide, he'll be here for you. Give me the bottle, I have an idea." Aza tossed her the container filled with poison at Tink, the fairy catching it with ease. Aza ducked behind a piece of furniture, crouching down just as the door slammed open and Pan came barging into the small shack of a home.

"Pan," Tink acknowledged, "how did I just know you'd show up here?" She asked tauntingly, throwing a smirk in his direction as his eyes glanced around the room in search of the red headed beauty he'd come to be indescribably fond of. "Looking for the girlfriend?"

Peter rolled his eyes at her pestering and playful attitude, shoving past her to fully enter the one-room house. "Where is she Tinkerbell?"

Tinkerbell shrugged truthfully, not lying since she hadn't seen where Aza had hidden herself. "I have no idea." Peter glared daggers at her, taking a threatening step towards her as she grabbed the bottle from the small makeshift table. "But I know how you can find her." She handed him the bottle, Peter ripping it out of her hand and examining it.

"What the hell is this?"

"It's a potion, if you drink enough of it, or should tell you exactly where she is." Peter unscrewed the lid, smelling the liquid inside and eyeing it carefully. Under normal circumstances, Peter would have examined it further before he just recklessly drank the strange mystery liquid. But this was no normal circumstance. He had to find Aza and time was running out for him to do so, because for all he knew, Aza could already be dead from running around on the wrong side of the island.

So, without thinking, he walked out of the house and teleported back to camp with the bottle still in his hand. Ignoring the shouts of Felix and the Lost Boys, Peter went straight to his tree house, pacing around the room as he contemplated drinking the potion or not. Eventually, he sighed, knowing that this was better than nothing. He unscrewed the lid and tipped the bottle back and swallowed the liquid, it burning his throat just as alcohol would. He placed the bottle on his shelf made of scrap pieces of wood and closed his eyes.

Pan opened them second laters however, an uneasy feeling rising in his chest as pain crashed into his head. His eyes widened and he reached for the bottle, grabbing it and pouring its contents onto the floor. Pain flamed through his chest, lungs scrounging for air as he clawed at his throat in incredible effort to breathe. The liquid that was in the bottle lost its scent of strawberries, the color of the liquid fading from clear to a dark gray-almost silver-color. Peter gasped raggedly, surprise rushing through his veins.

His brain was on fire, his hands now clawing at the side of it as if trying to twist his skull off of his body. He gasped for air, body shaking and eyes rolling into the back of his head.

And then, darkness consumed him.


Aza crawled out of her hiding spot with a large grin on her face. Tinkerbell was smiling as well, the two reveling in the idea that Pan would experience the pain they'd felt for their whole lives. They sat down at the table, discussing exactly what would happen to Peter in the event that he actually did drink the potion without them having to trick him into it.

Little did they know he had drank the potion.

Little did they know it was taking its effect at that very moment.

Little did they know that Peter was unconscious on the floor of his tree house.

Little did he know Aza had helped make the potion that would kill him.

Little did she know that the potion would actually kill him.

For she had been told by Tinkerbell that it would only make him sick for a few days and then it would lose the effect. She had been lied to and this time someone could die because of it.


Two days later, the plants in Neverland began to die.

And so did he.

AN: woohoo! I updated! This chapter is a mess and full of trashy writing but I hope you guys enjoyed it anyway. Tell me what you think.


Thank you for reading! If you comment where any typos are I will gladly fix them when I have time. Any feedback is appreciated!!!


Gray ;)

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