x. betrayal.

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AZA DIDN'T SLEEP AT ALL THAT night, her mind racing with ideas on how to make Pan regret taking her from the Jolly Roger

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AZA DIDN'T SLEEP AT ALL THAT night, her mind racing with ideas on how to make Pan regret taking her from the Jolly Roger. She knew Hook had told her they were going to leave that day, she didn't know when specifically though. She had to act fast.

She also knew that Peter loved his mind games, no doubt he would be trying to play a trick on her. She'd be damned if she'd let a boy out-trick her.

Aza kept her eyes glued on the same tree outside of the cage, watching a bird that was perched on it. How she wished she could fly somewhere else right now. Sadly though, she had to keep her magic concealed until she was let out of the cage. She had noticed that Peter seemed to have forgotten about it, that have her a great advantage in her escape.

The door to the cage swung open, revealing the blond with the scarred face. "Come on," He said, nodding his head towards the camp. Aza smirked unnoticeably, hopping into the flat ground and walking off in that direction. The boys were gathered in a crowd when she arrived, all of them smiling eagerly. Peter stood in front of them, turning around once she arrived.

"Aza." He greeted, the redhead rolling her eyes in response to his act. "I'd like to introduce you to the Lost Boys." He gestured to the group behind him, Aza waving sarcastically while Peter gave her a scoff.

"Why am I here?" She cut to the chase.

"Because, I made a deal with Hook that if we got Baelfire, the crew could leave Neverland. Yesterday, you told me that they weren't your crew, which excludes you from the deal." Aza's eyes clouded with rage as she stepped threateningly towards the boy. The Lost Boys, who had noticed the spark of insanity in her eyes, stepped back in surrender. But Peter, who had not seen it, held his ground. "Which means you cannot leave Neverland until I allow you, so you're here."

Aza narrowed her eyes at him, her mind racing with thoughts of revenge. "Stop looking at me like you've got me all figured out." She demanded, Peter's taunting gaze bothering her. "You don't know anything about me."

"I know that you're lost."

"I'm not lost," she responded truthfully. She wasn't lost, she had Hook and the crew. "I've got Hook, and the only family I need is the crew." She turned around, walking off into the forest, "which I need to go talk to, so if you'll excuse me." Peter grabbed her wrist, spinning her around.

"Fine, I'll make you a deal." Aza raised an eyebrow, a smirk finding her lips. "Play one game with the boys and I. You win, you can go back and leave Neverland. We win, you stay here with us." Aza knew she was going to win, she never got beat at a game. So, she shook his hand to seal the deal. "The game is 'Day Long Hide and Seek'."

"Original name," Aza snorted, putting a hand over her mouth to stop her laughter.

"You hide, the boys and I have until nightfall to find you and catch you." He explained. "We'll give you a five minute head start. Time starts now." Aza whirled around, sprinting into the forest with branches hitting her in the face every two seconds. She already had a tactic, a plan forming in her head.

She knew her five minutes were up when the sound of footsteps came from every direction. She could only assume all of the boys were cornering her and that they had somehow teleported to the other side of the island with Pan's magic. She wasn't worried about it.

The first boys came out of the brush, all of them smiling or smirking at the sight of her. They think they've won, she thought, how cute. Peter was among the boys, his eyes glistening with amusement as he approached her.

"I thought you'd do better than that, I've got to say, I'm not impressed by you Aza." He teased, "I mean, aren't you supposed to be the one with the plan, the sliest of thieves." The boys all broke into fits of laughter while Aza only raised her hand to shush them.

"Who says I don't have a plan?" She challenged.

"What?" Peter responded in confusion, glancing around warily.

"I always have a plan," she whispered to him. Waving tauntingly, her whole body disappeared, leaving the boys in shock. She walked right past them, her laughter echoing through the forest in order to confuse them even more.

"I forgot she could do that. Bloody-Aza!" Pan cursed, running off in one direction while the boy scattered in others. The night was approaching quickly, she only had to last another couple hours.

She struggled to find a place to hide, her body was now visible, the boys could find her at any moment. Aza knew the best place to hide was somewhere they wouldn't look. They wouldn't look in their camp, so what better place to hide than that. She rushed there, listening for the sound of footfalls other than her own.

She had turned herself invisible, now having reached the camp where only one boy was left. Spotting a tree house, Aza rushed to the ladder, climbing to the top and sitting on the railing of the balcony. She could see everything on the island.

Peter was all the way at the beach across the forest, a group of boys were right by the camp, but quickly went in another direction. The only thing Aza couldn't catch a view of was the Jolly Roger, which was on the other side of the island from her. She knew Hook was waiting for her though. He had to be.

When night eventually came, the boys all gathered back at the camp with their heads hung low and their faces set in frowns. Peter was furious, rage clearly flowing through his body. Aza chuckled from the treehouse, alerting the boys of her presence. She reappeared on the railing, the boys catching a small glimpse of her before she disappeared again.

They all spun around wildly, looking for her. Peter felt a tap on his shoulder and turned to see the redhead there with a wide grin. "I win." She commented, Pan scowling at her confidence. "I'll be going now." She stated as she walked off into the jungle.

Aza walked all the way to the beach, where she was met with something that shattered her heart. Angry and sad tears filled her eyes as she clenched her fists at her sides. With one final glance at the ocean, she sprinted back to the camp.

She returned to find Peter with a smug look. Aza marches over to him, grabbing his shirt and slamming him into a tree then throwing him to the floor. She pinned him down easily, the boy wasn't even fighting back which only angered her further.

"You knew!" She accused, her eyes shadowed with betrayal. Sure, Peter wasn't her friend nor her acquaintance but it was cruel to do something like that.

"What?" He simply questioned.

"You knew they were going at sunset so you made your stupid game go until nightfall!" She shouted in his face. She noticed his eyes flash with an emotion, but she couldn't figure out what it was.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about," he recovered with a smirk, standing once she released him. Aza shook her head in annoyance, rolling her eyes and scowling at him before disappearing from his sight and rushing back into the forest.

She was hurt.

She felt betrayed, abandoned, lonely.

Hook had left her. Peter had known he would.

It was their turn to pay the price.

AN: Honestly this book gets worse by the chapter lol. But it's not that bad and people seem to like it, so I'll leave it up.

Thank you for reading! If you comment where any typos are I will gladly fix them when I have time. Any feedback is appreciated!!!


Gray ;)

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