xiii. return.

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HER HEAD WAS POUNDING AS A DULL ACHE WEDGED its way into her heart and planted itself amongst the muscle

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HER HEAD WAS POUNDING AS A DULL ACHE WEDGED its way into her heart and planted itself amongst the muscle. Aza's body had been completely shut down for the past week, her skin crawling with prickles of pain. It started just an hour after Peter had left the small cottage with the potion in his hands and a determined look of his face. Aza had collapsed on Tink's floor with a shriek of alarm just a while later. It had felt like every part of her body was inflamed with the fires of agony.

She laid on a tiny makeshift cot in the corner, Tinkerbell sitting at the small table near the "kitchen", her brow furrowed in worry as she watched the redhead shiver under the thin quilt placed over her. Blood could be seen lining her lips, a sign that she was close to dying. The blonde fairy abruptly stood, pacing around the room, causing Cheshire's eyes to migrate from the ceiling to her.

"What's wrong?" Aza choked out, wiping the red liquid from her mouth.

"I have an idea," Tink replied, "do you have enough strength for your magic?" Aza nodded slightly, putting her elbows under her to hold herself up. "I need you to go to Pan's camp."

Aza shook her head, laying down. "No." A large part of her never wanted to see Peter again. She wanted to stay away from him until she could find a way home to get her revenge on Hook and get back on the quest of finding her mother. She had a long list of things she needed to do, and Peter would surely keep her in Neverland if she went back to see him. But deep down, in a smaller part of her, she longed to go back to Peter. To see him again.

She wanted to get to know the real Peter. Not the leader who yelled and kidnapped kids that said they believed in him, but the Peter from her dreams. The one who would talk to her in the Captain's quarters while she played her guitar and sang songs that she thought no one was listening to. The Peter who sat on the top deck with her and looked at the stars, as if he hadn't been living under those exact ones for most of his life. The Peter who wasn't a liar and a villain. She knew a part of him was still like that, and she hoped she could salvage it and bring it back to the surface so that people knew what he was really like. Aza had chosen to focus on the positive sides of Peter, but now the evil parts seemed to slip through her thoughts occasionally.

"Aza, you don't have to stay. You just need to give him the antidote, it'll save both of you. And the island." The plants of Neverland had been withering since two days after they gave Pan the poison. No one knew exactly what was happening to them, but Peter's connection to the island was so strong that it could've been killing them as he died slowly too. "You two are experiencing the same thing. Somehow, his pain and sickness connected to you and have you the same problem."

Aza pondered, "it's the only way to save us?" Tink nodded, though she knew she could come up with something better. Aza knew too, but she ignored it, for that small part of her that longed to see Peter was boiling to the surface. "Fine, give me the stupid antidote."

The fairy smirked. Walking to the table again, she grabbed various ingredients from around the shack, placing them on the wooden piece of furniture. Within minutes, Tinkerbell had the potion held above an open flame, heating it before she dropped a few more things into it. It was an odd blue color, almost the same color as the ocean. Tink put the concoction into a small glass vial, handing it to Aza as the red headed teenager climbed out of the bed and got to her feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2020 ⏰

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