v. baelfire.

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AZA HADNT EVEN REALIZED Hook had gone below deck to speak with Baelfire until he returned, looking puzzled as to why there were strangers in his ship

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AZA HADNT EVEN REALIZED Hook had gone below deck to speak with Baelfire until he returned, looking puzzled as to why there were strangers in his ship.

"You know who we are?" The boy on the wrong end of Aza's sword asked Hook, a smirk on his scarred face. He was taller than most of the people on the ship, and the boys that stood by his sides stood tall as well.

"Of course. You're the lost ones, you work for Him." Hook answered, watching the boy warily as Aza put down her sword, allowing the boy and his group to jump onto the ship.

"We're looking for a boy who was seen adrift nearby. Have you seen him?" The boy asked, his voice low and husky.

"There's no one on this ship but the Captain's crew." Aza assured quickly, knowing these guys were bad news. "You can search the ship if you don't believe us." The boy nodded, walking down to the captain's chambers with his boys in tow. Aza watched worriedly as they rummaged through all of their stuff, groaning when they couldn't find Baelfire.

"You know what he does to liars, right?" He asked. "He rips their shadows right off their bodies. Rrrrrrip." He drew out the word, emphasizing.

"He'd have to catch me first," Aza laughed, hearing Smee short from beside her. "And trust me, plenty have tried."

The boy rolled his eyes, leaving the room with his companions following behind him. Once they were gone, Aza opened the small latch in the floor to reveal Baelfire with a smirk on his face.

"I thought you guys only cared about yourselves." He said confidently.

"You have much to learn, my boy." Hook said, smirking as he helped a grinning Baelfire out of the small storage compartment.

The weeks that followed were pretty interesting for Aza and the crew. Baelfire stayed aboard the Jolly Roger, learning the life of a pirate. Aza had told him her real name, making him swear to tell no one else. She'd come to treat him like a younger brother, though they were very close in age, Bae was still younger.

Hook had grown to love the boy as his own son, despite knowing that he was the Dark One's and Mila's son. Hook knew Mila would want for the boy to be taken care of, so he did what she would've wanted, now taking care of Bae and Aza.

"Would you like to try a hand at the helm?" Hook asked Baelfire as he and Aza stood towards the back of the boat, steering it along.

"I know nothing of sailing." He said, putting his hands up in mock defense.

"It's easy, Bae." Aza groaned, pulling the boy into her spot, watching as he put his hands on the wooden surface of the helm. "This is starboard, and this is port." She pointed to each side of the ship as the Captain marked the sides on the metal with his hook. "Go... two notches port."

Bae did as told, moving the wheel over slightly and earning a smile and a nod of encouragement from Aza. The girl left soon after Hook and Baelfire engaged in a conversation about their parents and how they'd left them. She wasn't in the mood to hear their stories. So, she went to the room she shared with them, grabbing her guitar from the corner of the room and strumming it slowly.

'You're broken down and tired
Of living life on a merry-go-round
And you can't find the fighter
But I see it in you so
We gonna walk it out.'

She sang the words effortlessly, her voice echoing through the room. Unknown to her, the whole crew could hear her angelic words ringing in the air as she played and sang. She sang for hours on end, the world outside getting dark.

Her red haired fell in front of her eyes, blocking out her sight, but she simply swung her head to the side, her eyes becoming uncovered long enough for her to see something out of the porthole.

The dark shadow of a boy, its eyes glowing a vibrant white as she stood, walking over to it. The shadow seemed to float, its body not holding anything. Aza knew it was magic, for there was no way for a shadows eyes to glow or even be seen in reality.

She opened the small window, watching as the shadow turned to float away, but she was quick to stop it. "Wait!" She called, making the shadow stop in its place in midair. It turned to face her slowly, flying closer. Aza's arm reach out to touch it, the shadow doing the same, their index fingers merely centimeters away from each other.

"Aza!" A voice called from the door, making her pull her hand away and look at the door, where Hook stood, a smirk on his face. She got up, walking to meet him at the door but not before taking one last glance out of the porthole. The shadow was gone.

But unbeknownst to Aza, the boy's shadow merely flew back to its owner. The 'king' of Neverland- Peter Pan. When the shadow arrived back to the boy's camp, it flew straight to Pan's thinking tree, a place only he was allowed to know the location of.

"What?" Pan asked, sensing the shadow's presence. He had seen the whole thing play out with Aza. In fact, he'd sent the shadow to find Baelfire, but found her instead, the girl that had infiltrated his dream's on more than one occasion. He himself had been in her own, and he knew it, for he possessed the power to manipulate others dream sequences.

He saw everything from the eyes of the shadow, hearing the way she sang and played the beautiful instrument. Seeing her beautiful red hair and fair skin with freckles dotting her nose. He saw her reach her own hand out to his outstretched one, both of them eager to make contact with one another.

On some level, Peter wished it to be himself and not the shadow, that way he could see the girl through his own consciousness and not the shadow's.

He saw her as nothing short of interesting, her voice and looks seemed to mesmerize him in a way he never thought possible. In all the years he'd been alive, he'd never met nor seen someone so angelic. But now he had, and wanted to meet her in person.

The shadow said nothing, just sat by Peter as the boy stared at the night sky, his mind wandering with thoughts of the girl. He knew nothing of her name, but knew it wouldn't be hard to uncover it. To him, she was a mystery waiting to be solved, the missing piece to the puzzle by were his dreams.

He wouldn't rest until he met her. For real this time, not just in his subconscious mind. So, that night, when all of the Lost Boys were asleep in their tents, their snores echoing through the jungle, he slipped away from camp and went to the ship in hopes of finding her.

Lucky for him, she had been put on watch that night, sitting on the upper deck with her guitar in her hands as she played it carefully, humming a small tune that could be described as magnificent.

Peter found himself nervous to actually speak with the girl, something he never felt. Anxiety. He stared at her intently, listening to the sounds leaving her lips as he sat in the shadows, a hood pulled over his light brown hair.

Knowing he wasn't going to gather up the courage to speak, he sighed heavily, turning away from the girl and flying away, back to the lonely island he called home.

Aza however, sat in silence, looking around for the noise she swore she heard.

This chapter was so fun to write. I love it. Peter and Aza are so close to meeting. If only Peter would get some masculinity and speak to her.

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