ix. attack.

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AZA SCREAMED AS ANOTHER hand grabbed her foot, the creatures below her pulling her body under the surface

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AZA SCREAMED AS ANOTHER hand grabbed her foot, the creatures below her pulling her body under the surface. A yelp left her lips when a mermaid's head popped above the water and she reached her hand out to the human girl. The mermaid's brown hair framed her face perfectly, her smooth skin extremely noticeable. Her and fell upon Aza's shoulder, a smile gracing her face.

For a moment, Aza mistook the look for one of kindness, believing that she was going to help her. But the look soon changed into a smirk, and her hands were then pushing Aza below the surface. Aza took a breath before her body was submerged fully in the water. Her eyes closed immediately, a burning sensation finding them. Hands grabbed at her wildly, pushing her body further under as her lungs filled with water. She screamed under the water, bubbles leaving her mouth.

Aza knew that panicking would make her death more evident. If she kept calm she would have more time to find a solution to her problem. She closed her mouth, opened her eyes. Her legs kicked out when she caught sight of the creatures pushing her down. One of them released their grip, getting kicked by Aza's foot.

Aza swam away wildly, ripping away from the grips holding her. Her head hit the top, air filling her lungs as she gasped repeatedly. A hand grabbed her foot at the same time as a pair of hands grasped her arms. A mermaid struggled to pull her under the water again as a Lost Boy pulled her into the boat. The mermaid gave up, letting go of the girl with a scowl before swimming away with the others.

Aza was thrown onto the boat, water leaving her mouth as she coughed it up continuously, her lungs burning. Rolling over onto her back, her eyes found the stars above her, a small sigh of relief leaving her lips. She glared at the stars, anger seeping through her at the thought of showing weakness to a couple of boys that worked fro Peter. She knew they worked for, and the fact that he would betray her further after already ruining everything made her want him dead. She'd used to want to see him, talk to him and be friends with him. But now everything had changed and she wanted him out of her life, dead, gone.

Her moment of relaxation was short lived when a lost boy flipped her body over, pulling her arms behind her back and trying them together so that she was unable to escape, not that he thought she'd risk drowning again. Aza rolled her eyes, irritation practically radiating off of her in waves at this point. Silence engulfed the people on the boat, none of them daring to utter a word. Pan had warned the boys that Aza was sneaky, that she could kill them before they even realized what was happening. So they kept quiet. Aza kept quiet because she knew Peter was dangerous, that he could kill her with a snap of him fingers. He wouldn't do that, but she didn't know that at the time.

The boat hit the shore only minutes later, two of the boys hopping out to pull it further onto the sand. Aza was pulled out of the wooden boat, a lost boy dragging her out of it without any struggle. She knew she had to play it safe at that moment. She needed to do what she did best and wait for the perfect moment to rain mischief down on Pan and the Lost Boys.

So, with her thoughts of waiting in mind, she allowed them to drag her all the way to their camp. When they arrived, the other boys stood there in waiting, Pan in front of all of them. He smirked at Aza's annoyed expression, kind of glad that he was pushing her buttons at the moment. "Hello, Aza," he said, his tone sounding innocent. She rolled her eyes, glaring daggers at him with a fire filling her body. Anger, annoyance, agitation. "What's the look for?"

She ignored his words, raising an eyebrow at his act, a scowl crossing her face for only a mere second before vanishing. "I think you know what it's for, Peter." She sneered, her tone as menacing as the glare she gave him. His eyes turned from playful to dangerous in mere seconds, the Lost Boys noticing how mad he got when anyone called him by his first name. He stepped threateningly towards Aza, glaring right back.

"No one calls me Peter on my island, love. The name's Pan." He insisted, nodding to the boys behind her, they began to pull Aza away from the boys and Pan.

"Whatever you say, Peter!" She called behind her as they pulled her further into the dark forest. Peter wouldn't admit it to anyone, but he smiled for a mere second at Aza's comment. He believed the girl was special, for reasons other than her magic. She had guts, no one else on the island would have said something to him like that, they'd surely have been threatened within seconds. Aza was different, Pan couldn't seem to threaten her, he seemed almost weaker around her. He turned to his Lost Boys, a smirk on his face.

"We'll introduce you guys to her tomorrow, then we'll have some real fun." The boys cheered at his words, knowing that they would be doing challenges tomorrow. It was a thing Pan did to entertain the boys. The hour long hide and seek game, he and the boys had never lost. It was a ritual for each Lost Boy to play on their first day in Neverland, and Pan won every single time. Aza would be no different.

At least, that's what he convinced himself. he had somehow managed to forget exactly what kind of magic powers Aza possessed.

The girl was thrown into a cage that hung from a few ropes on a tree. The boys locked the door behind her, the one with a scarred face leaving her alone after shooting a smirk in her direction. She only flipped him off, her arms now free from the rope that had bound them together moments before. She sat in silence, her mind swirling with thoughts. But the one thought she couldn't truly shake was: has Hook noticed I'm gone yet?

She assumed he hadn't, he should've still been asleep.

She should've been asleep as well, in her hammock, in the Captain's chambers, where she should've been safe from a stupid boy with magic and wit. But she wasn't. Instead, she was in a cage, awake, on Pan's island, vulnerable to the boy with magic and wit. One thing was for sure, she wasn't going to give Peter the satisfaction of out-tricking her. She was the master of trickery, the sliest of thieves, the sneakiest of cats, the most mischievous of all teenagers.

Mischief was the name of her game. And Peter Pan wasn't going to win her game.

AN: I'm really proud of that ending for some reason, but I don't know why because it's all kind of trash. Sorry if it didn't meet your expectations and if there are a lot of typos, it was a bit rushed.

Aza's kind of awesome, getting ready to trick everyone possibly. I haven't decided what I'm doing yet. But, eh, a little mischief never hurt anyone. I think...

As always, thanks for reading. Please feel free to leave any comments you want, I could use a little criticism so that I can improve my writing. Thanks, guys!



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