two - the strange redhead named Sadie

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•* The strange redhead named Sadie *•

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.•* The strange redhead named Sadie *•.

The old abandoned poolhouse still stood, its white vintage wood was sloppy and drooping and the glass had been broken from a long time ago when teenagers stole the items in the shed.

The abandoned poolhouse was no longer abandoned. It was now preoccupied as the two best friends, Sadie Sink and Millie Brown's hang out.

Millie Brown was a girl with flowy short brown hair that lay on her shoulders. Millie was connected to the modern society more than anyone else. She had an iPhone always perched in her hand and she wore only the most popular fashion. Millie was the complete opposite as her friend Sadie Sink.

Sadie Sink didn't have the modern phones. She had a phone for her personal line. It rang through her phone which was a phone that you would have used in the eighties, a push button phone. Sadie wore flowy skirts and was antisocial. Hardly anyone knew of her existence and if they did she was known as "Millie Brown's friend" and thats how she liked it.

Millie was classified as a modern women in Duntown. Sadie was classified as a hippie or a vintage women. But things were changing, Sadie and Millie will not be in the shadows for much longer.

"Is it over now, do you know how to pick up the pieces and go home!" Millie and Sadie sang as they listened to one of their favorite songs, "Gold Dust Women" by Fleetwood Mac.

If there was one thing the two antisocial teens had in common it was their love of music, and choice of music. They liked seventies music like ABBA, Fleetwood Mac, or 10cc.

The song soon ended and the exciting music for "Voulez Vous" came on and the girls screamed. They loved this song with all their heart.

"MILLIE!" Sadie screamed above the incrediably loud music. Millie turned to her breathless friend also in the tired state. "It is twelve o' clock, my mom will be expecting me soon." The girls were no rebels, in fact it was twelve o' clock in the afternoon, basically lunch time.

Millie nodded and turned off the enchanting song. She tucked her brown hair behind her ear and sighed. Millie was wearing a black mid-thigh skirt with a floral crop top. She could put any man under her charm. "Sadie, I know its not your thing, but Mary Joe is throwing a party Friday-" She started looking at Sadie with the biggest puppy dog brown eyes.

"No." Sadie said firmly throwing her leather satchel around her arms.

"Oh Sadie please!" Millie begged now clasping her hands together and sticking out her bottom lip. Sadie laughed but still shook her head, determined to say the least. "We never go to these things, I mean we are sixteen shouldn't we live a little!" Millie laughed as if she ahd been holding that in forever. Though, that was ALWAYS Millie's argument point.

Sadie had been to a high school party ONCE. Millie and her had went all the way to the next town to go to Jessica Halford's party, it was quite the trouble. To say the least Sadie hated it. The house was crammed and humid, people were sweaty and the smell of beer stinged the air around her. It was not a place to be.

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