five - Sky and Sophie

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•* Sky and Sophie *•

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.•* Sky and Sophie *•.

Finn took Jessica into the janitors closet and turned on the light. The light revealed Jessica smirking up at him. Finn was a considerable height at sixteen.

"So..." She mumbled trailing her hand down Finn's arm as if to seduce him. But no, Finn was in no seducing mood in fact he was angry. Angry that Jessica called Sadie and Millie freaks.

"Jessica don't." Finn said with a solid expression. Jessica was taken back by his tone but continued to smirk at him.

"Don't what?" She asked innocently licking her lips and pulling her hands up to her buttoned up top. She was definitely trying to seduce him.

"I'm not in the mood. In fact I am mad at you right now." Finn said in a matter-of-fact tone. Jessica frowned and looked up at him with puppy dog eyes.

"Oh you seriously aren't mad at me about those freaks are you?" She asked with a sad tone. Finn's jaw clenched tighter and his hands started to form into fists

"They aren't freaks, Jessica. I don't think I want to be with you anymore. You obviously don't care about other people's feelings." He said looking down at her with an honest expression.

Jessica stumbled back in surprise. "What Finnie..." She trailed off looking at him like he was insane. "You aren't serious?" She asked.

"I don't like the way you treat my friends. It's about time this ends." Finn said uncrossing his arms and preparing to leave. Jessica frowned and felt tears at her eyes.

"Fine but you will regret it. And I will make sure those freaks have hell!" She yelled at him feeling anger build up inside of her.

"Whatever Jessica, we're done!" He said finally before leaving the closet. Iris just sat there for a minute staring into nothing. Never had someone broken up with her.

Get ready for hell!


School was done and the teenagers of Duntown were all packed on a bus chatting. In the back Noah, Gaten, Caleb, Finn, Sadie, and Millie were all still getting to know each other.

They all told each other something they didn't know. Millie told them she was afraid of thunder. Noah told them he once ate moldy cheese. Caleb told them he used to smoke for a while but was finally able to quit. Gaten told them about his band. Finn told them he was allergic to jello. Sadie told them she was vegan.

It was obvious to all of them they were quickly becoming friends they weren't all that different. Sadie was quiet and shy she didn't like things other people liked and she wore different fashion. But other than that she really wasn't that strange. Millie was pretty normal and very fun to be around. Sadie was happy she was becoming friends with all of them.

She was especially happy that Finn broke up with Jessica. She didn't like Jessica and she believed Finn deserved better. He had told everyone after school and luckily Jessica didn't live in Duntown.

Finn at the moment was focused on Dylan Dorsey sitting in the front with his crowd. Dylan whispered something to Joyce and she laughed loudly. Dylan and Joyce seemed really close. Mary Joe suddenly got up and stumbled down the isle over to Gaten.

"Hey Gaten." She said with a genuine smile. "Are you single?" She asked curiously. Everyone in the group was looking at her with furrowed eyebrows.

Gaten was confused but acted normal with his happy smile. "Hi Mary Joe and yeah I am single." He chuckled and Mary Joe nodded before walking back to her seat.

They all looked at him and he shrugged. "Don't ask me I am just as confused as y'all." He shrugged and they all laughed before continuing to talk.


"What would you name your children?" Millie asked randomly as her and Sadie sat in the pool house. Seventies music was playing low on their speaker and Sadie was just humming to it.

"Oh I don't know." Sadie said thinking about it.

Millie smiled to herself and looked up at the roof. "I would want two children. One girl, one boy." Millie said and then she looked at Sadie who was still thinking. "The girl would be named Fara Lily." Millie said and Sadie gasped making eye contact with Millie.

"Oh my gosh Millie that name is beautiful!" Sadie gasped before laughing and looking back up at her. The girl obviously enjoyed their company and could talk about anything to each other. "What about the boy?"

"Carson." Millie answered automatically. She had thought about this so many times.

"Hm. Fara Lily and Carson Schnapp." Sadie said in a joking tone making Millie gasp and hit Sadie.

"Sadie Sink you take that back!" She yelled not being able to contain her laugh. Sadie laughed to but then straightened up.

"Oh come on, Millie. I saw your lovey dovey eyes on Noah." Sadie joked and Millie slapped her again. "Ow!" Sadie screamed also laughing at the same time.

"Shut up! I'm going to ignore what you said and ask what you'd name your children?" Millie asked and Sadie smiled a cheeky smile at her.

"I don't know how many children I want. But I want a girl and I'd name her Dana and then another girl so I could name her Charlie. Oh and a boy named either Sky or Tanner." Sadie added looking at the ceiling and wishing it was the starry sky at midnight. Millie laughed and poked Sadie playfully.

"Like Sky from Mamma Mia." Millie joked with Sadie and Sadie laughed too. Maybe it was Sky from Mamma Mia.

Both of the girls let their laughter die down and eventually they sighed both tired. All of the sudden Millie screamed. Sadie practically jumped out of her seat and she looked at Millie surprised.

"Oh my gosh what is it, Millie?!" Sadie asked worriedly. Millie looked at Sadie with wide eyes.

"I got it! You teased me with Noah but listen to this! You are Sophie and Finn is Sky!" Millie exclaimed in conclusion. Sadie couldn't help but let her mouth drop.

"MILLIE!" Sadie screamed looking at her like she was crazy. Millie laughed but shook her head seriously.

"No I'm serious. I SHIP IT! That is literally adorable!" Millie said laughing a little too much. But Sadie didn't laugh along, too surprised for her own good.

"Millie stop it!" Sadie gasped hitting Millie in the arm.

"Oh you teased me about Noah but I saw how jealous you got when Jessica and Finn kissed!" Millie said and Sadie shook her head in response. "Yes and I will have no argument against it missy!"


I don't really like this chapter, it's just a filler. Also If you haven't watched Mamma Mia than you are probably really confused, sry.

School starts next Monday so I might not update as often.

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